Monday, March 9, 2009

Vic Johnson

From Rod Simpson:
Many of the lads know Vic well, he wasn't Artillery but has done huge work from the beginning re Agent Orange, some of which was at a big personal cost to himself. Vic now lives in Hamilton where he has business interests. Lately his health has not been good and he sent me this yesterday.
Was expected to be in hospital from 19 Feb to approx 24/25 Feb. Everything turned to custard during the operation because of an equipment failure, known as a 'stapling gun', surgery turned into 7 hours on the table.
Following that the bowel failed to function, took 11 days for that to kick in. In the meantime ended up in High Dependency Care Unit due to high fever and complications with a haematoma.
Discharged last Friday and have had limited mobility with more bed time than up time.

You might like to wish Vic well. His email address is:

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