Monday, March 23, 2009

Tom O'Reilly in Afghanistan

I would like to pass on my greetings to the Comrades and to thank you for the kind words in the Newsletter on the passing of my brother.
I am now back in Kabul, Afghanistan enjoying the fresh and often freezing breezes off the Hindu Kush mountains. This is my second time here. The Region and this country holds a certain fascination for MORE . . . 
1: Visit to Afghanistan by NZ Ambassador to Iran. L-R: Brig Nev Reilly, Ambassador, Tom O'Reilly, MAF Rep (2008)
2: Squiring Angelina Jolie around Afghanistan and not a Brad Pitt in sight . . . life is hard (2008)
3: Pashtun Party - Tea with the boys (2008)
4: The USSR's  'Road of Death' - At the summit of the Salang Pass through the Hindu Kush mountains at 13000 ft (2008)
5: With locals in Torkham, Pakistan, entrance to the Khyber Pass

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