Friday, March 6, 2009

RNZRSA pensions submission to the Law Commission

Robin Klitscher, President of RNZRSA advises:

Last December we forwarded to the Law Commission our submission on the War Pensions Act re-write, but only in interim form. The timing of the Law Commission's "roadshow" and the complexity of the issues meant we had no opportunity to obtain the internal constitutional approvals that would be necessary before we went public.
But that has now been done. Since January our interim document has been under consideration by our Affiliates, by the large Steering Group we set up, and by the NEC. At its meeting on 23-24 February 2009, NEC approved it unanimously.
I am very pleased therefore to be able to publish the document.

This document is 40 pages long but you do need to read it so you know what's heading your way . . . READ IT NOW

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