Thursday, April 24, 2008

Affiliation with RNZRSA

At the Special General Meeting today, 24 April, Rod Baldwin moved 'that the RNZA Association affliliate to RNZRSA'. The motion was seconded by Barry Dreyer.

In speaking to the motion, Rod covered a number of points in favour of the proposal:
  • Participation in Affiliate forums and RNZRSA Council meetingss, so our interests are taken into account
  • Consultation and input on legislative change, (such as rewriting the War Pensions Act), health and welfare
  • Flow of info from RNZRSA to us on a wide range of subjects and issues
  • Exchange views about matters and issues that affect us
  • Better informed about general trends, allowing us to be prepared
  • Mana as an affiliate of a respected organisation
  • Raise our public profile

He added that in his 7-8 years as an EVSA delegate to RNZRSA, there had been no expectation that the affiliates would follow some line proposed by RNZRSA; rather, that the affiliates themselves influenced events.

The President invited other views or questions from the floor. There were none.

The motion was carried unanimously.

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