Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tribute 08: Latest registration numbers

As at today's date, we have 136 vets registered for the Tribute08 weekend, and 136 going with them, a promising total of 272 (just in case your maths are slow). Our target is a minimum of 400. The list of registrants isn't available yet but I'll post it as soon as it is.
_____Feedback to me shows that 161 Battery vets are warming to the event and are now seeing it less as a 'political stunt' and more as a chance for mates to get together, at probably the largest reunion we will ever have.
_____I want to remind you again that the government has absolutely no part in organising the weekend. It is being done entirely by veteran organisations. All politicians will be non-partisan - the formal apology will be given in Parliament, to ensure it is recorded in Hansard, and endorsed by all parties. And the whakanoa will take place there too, as our war dead are honoured in the presence of their next-of-kin.
_____We ought to put politics aside at this time so that we, too, honour the fallen, and enjoy the time with our old comrades.

Mike Dakin

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