Monday, April 21, 2008

More on Betty-May

I was the Chief Clerk of 161 Bty RNZA during my TOD, Vietnam 1966. Graham Cramp, Red Potts and I always had first read of Betty-May's letters, that was after we wrenched them off the BK.
-----I bet that I have read every one of them and I was left with a passion to want to meet this great writer and comforter as I felt, like every one else, she was writing to me.
-----My chance came at the 2005 161 Battery reunion held at Linton, when I was caught gazing at her photo in the 16 Field's HQ and Graham Cramp said to me,"Would you like to meet her, she is just next door".
-----The meeting was just going great until I told her my role in distributing her letters in 1966 and from them on it was as emotional as it gets.
-----I regret that I am unable to attend the services but on the day I will remember her just like I have done the last 40 years . . . farewell Betty-May . . . we will remember you.

Don Potter

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