Sunday, April 20, 2008

Betty-May's funeral

From Lt Col Nick Gillard, CO, 16 Fd Regt RNZA ~

Further to my email of Sunday.

Betty-May's funeral service will be conducted at St Martin's Chapel, Linton Camp at 1000 hrs Thursday 24 April. Anyone wishing to attend should be assembled at the Chapel from 0930.

The service will be conducted by Father Paul Darrock of Levin.

Dress for military personnel is Service Dress with medals, Sam Brown and Mounted Rifles Hats.

The Order of Service will include a poem read by BC Kapyong Bty (as requested by Betty-May), a reading from the youngest gunner and the eulogy by CO 16 Fd Regt. Anyone else wishing to speak is most welcome.

The internment location is still being determined. As requested by Betty-May it will be the nearest public cemetery to Linton Camp. All are welcome at the internment.

The regiment and estate will be providing floral tributes.

A late morning tea will be held at Regimental Headquarters 16 Field Regiment after the internment. This will be at approximately 1230.

Please direct any questions to me ( or the acting RSM, WO2 John Garton (

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