Saturday, April 19, 2008

Sad news: Betty-May has passed away

From Lt Col Nick Gillard, CO 16 Fd Regt RNZA:

It is with much regret that I must inform you of the passing of Betty-May Brown in Levin yesterday. I was rung by her legal representative, Mrs Sheila Patterson, on Saturday afternoon.

Betty-May was always a great character and her association with 16 Field Regiment and 161 battery in particular has been a very special one.

I will be sending a representative from the regiment to Levin tomorrow to discuss funeral arrangements. Betty-May has left some very specific instructions regarding her funeral and we will be honouring them to the utmost. Being estranged from her family she was clear in her instructions that we, the regiment, were her family and she has requested our participation.

At this stage the funeral will be next week, probably Wednesday or Thursday. Certainly before ANZAC Day. Her wish is to be buried in the cemetery closest to Linton Camp with the regiment providing pall bearers. A military padre has been requested to conduct the service. The regiment will co-ordinate all details.

I will inform you all of the details as soon as we know.

Could everyone please pass on the message to any I may have missed on the address list.

Please feel free to pass any messages or Betty-May stories to me and I shall convey them.

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