Thursday, April 24, 2008

Betty-May's funeral - Bryce Harrison reporting

Today, my wife and I attended Betty-May's funeral at Linton Camp.
-----The service was conducted by the Reverend Father Paul Darrock of Levin, and took place in the Camp Chapel. Hymns included The Lord is my Shepherd, and Abide With Me, with various readings from the Gospels by serving members of 16 Field Regiment.
-----The eulogy was given by the CO, Lt Col Nick Gillard. Col Gillard paid tribute to her generous and unwavering support to 161 Bty while we were serving in Vietnam. Also he told those assembled that that same support did not end with Vietnam, but continued during the Bty's commitments to other areas of conflict like East Timor and Bosnia.
-----His eulogy was delivered seriously, but also with lighthearted anecdotes which served to ease the solemnity of the occasion.
-----At the conclusion of the service, the pallbearer party made up of Sgts and Warrant Officers, placed the casket on the 25 Pdr gun carriage. The edge of the Parade Ground was lined by serving members of 16 Fd Regt (161 Bty), and the gun carriage was driven slowly around the Parade Ground, as a silent tribute to Betty-May.
-----This was followed by a 15 K drive to the Shannon Cemetary for the internment. A firing party was not provided. The internment was followed by a light luncheon at 16 fd Regt Hq.
-----All in all, it has to be said that Betty-May received an excellent send off, which I am sure we will all agree, was thoroughly deserved.
-----As a closing observation, I feel that tribute must be paid to 16 Fd Regt for the faultless organisation on the day, their splendid turnout, and their generous hospitality to all those attending.

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