Thursday, April 24, 2008

KOREA, 23-28 April 1951: Battle of Kap 'Yong

Frank Hopkinson reminds us about the Battle of Kap 'Yong:

A description of this battle is in the booklet produced by 16th Field Regiment upon its withdrawal from Korea in November 1954, and it must have been a pretty hairy affair.

-----The guns withdrawing at night, no lights, down a winding valley road with the covering infantry of the Middlesex Battalion hanging on like grim death wherever they could get a foothold. One gun tractor towing a trailer and a gun had more than 20 aboard.
-----During the 30 hours preceding the dawn of Anzac Day the Regiment fired some 10,000 rounds at ranges which gradually reduced from 10,000 to 3,000 yards. Over the next four days the Regiment fired almost without pause until they were withdrawn on the night of the 28th.
-----For their deeds during this action, on 01 November 1951 the Regiment was awarded a Presidential Unit Citation from the President of the Republic of Korea, Syngman Rhee

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