Wednesday, May 28, 2008

From Josh Wineera in Iraq

Dear fellow Gunners,
A few days ago I received your very kind email which you sent through the New Zealand Defence Force website for ANZAC 2008. I want to tell you how great it was to receive your message of support and to know that the members of the Royal New Zealand Artillery Association appreciates the work of its soldiers, and especially its Gunners!
-----I actually received a number of emails, some even from high-school students, and that has certainly boosted my morale. Morale is not low, in fact it is high but to receive such sincere messages from home always lifts you a little bit more.
-----Iraq is a very interesting and challenging environment. Being in a theatre of operations that has the attenion of the World's Superpower is a unique experience. Perhaps I may get the opportunity to share that experience with you all when I get back.
-----Please pass on my regards to the fellow Gunners at the Association, and once again, thank you very much for taking the time to send your message.

Kind regards & Ubique

Josh Wineera
Lieutenant Colonel, RNZA
Military Advisor to the UN
Special Representative United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq
* 2IC 16 Field Regiment, 2003 * BC 163 Battery 2003-2004 * FO 163 Battery 1996 * Loc Tp Commader 1994-1995 * GLSC 161 Bty 1992 *

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Nui Dat: Incoming from 1/83rd Artillery

I am the webmaster for 1/83rd Artillery, formerly a US 8 inch and 175 mm self propelled howitzer Battalion.
-----We arrived in Vietnam in late October 1966 and were in 3 locales in 66-67. HQ, Service and "A" Batteries at Nui Dat, "B" Battery at Bear Cat and "C" Battery at Xuan Loc.
-----I spent almost all my time at Nui Dat and was able to visit the 161 Battery of the RNZA on several occasions. Your guys were always friendly and we sure were glad to have you as neighbors.

I invite all of you to visit our website.

Bill Taggart

1/83rd Website link . . .

Monday, May 26, 2008

Tribute08: Can't get to Wellington?

You can follow what's happening:
  • Footage of events screen on TVNZ 7 (on Freeview), over the weekend
  • Live-streamed on
  • Highlights screen on TV One, at 12.30pm on Monday, 2 June

Gunners' Day - Oh, what a night it was!

It really was, yes, it was a night!

Jeff Waters continues to excel his past efforts and this year was no exception. With the RNZA Band in the background, superb food and convivial camaraderie, everyone had a truly great time. The menu, and the food we were served, would do justice to the finest restaurant - pumpkin dill and orange soup, followed by cold salmon terrine, your choice of lamb shank or stuffed breast of chicken, and tiramisu for dessert. Brilliantly planned and executed, every mouthful a treat.

Our usual traditions were observed, of course. Bill Giles's toast to 'Our Ladies' was especially good, just as you would expect from Bill; he still has a silver tongue.

And to see how happy everyone was, go to our web album at

Tribute08: Cliff Chappell's daughter says 'Hello'

I thought I would introduce myself - my name is Charmaine Chappell-Irwin and I am the daughter of the late (Cliff) Clifford Graham Chappell, Service # 42565, rank Gunner in 161 Battery. Cliff enlisted 14 March 1967, and served in Vietnam 28 August 1968 to 29 October 1969.
-----I am attending the weekend along with my 8 year old daughter as I know Dad would have been totally behind the gathering. We are traveling up from Christchurch and have got accommodation at the Copthorne.
-----I put in an application to receive the NZGSM and for presentation to be at Tribute 08. I thought this would be a proud moment for my daughter to receive it. My Dad gave her his other two medals before he passed away and asked her to carry on the family tradition of attendance at ANZAC dawn parade.
-----Sadly Dad passed away March 2004 after a year-long year battle with Bowel, Liver and Lung Cancer. (Yet another victim of Agent Orange.)
-----Cliff was a proud Vet and always participated in reunions and anything to push for acknowledgement. In 94 he visited The Wall c-/ "The Homes" program, leaving his pack. And he was really pleased he attended Parade 98.

Look forward to meeting you.
Regards Charmaine

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Gunners' Day in Wellington

A nice service held in the Hall of Memories, Buckle Street, Wellington, organised by Rick Reynolds, officiated by Padre Ian McKie, with Col RA Burns, OBE ED as the guest speaker. After the service, those who were able gathered at the Johnsonville RSA for lunch and reminiscing.

Lindsay Skinner

What Is A Veteran?

From Kim McGrath:

A 'Veteran' - whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve -- is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank cheque made payable to 'New Zealand', for an amount of 'up to, and including' his life.

Fraternal Gunners' Day greetings

From RNZA Assn:
It's that notable day again and fraternal greetings will be flashing from post to post.
-----Greetings to one and all from the President and Committee of The Royal New Zealand Artillery Association.
-----Frank Hopkinson ( and his wife, from their locstat in Shanghai, especially greet you on this day and send 'best wishes' for Tribute08.

Nick Gillard replies:
And a happy gunners day to you and all members of the RNZA assn.

CO and all ranks of 16 Fd Regt

Nick Gillard
Lt Col, CO

RNZA Band, in concert at Orewa

With expected precision, the Band struck up at 1500 hrs and played excellent music for two hours, almost without break. Their programme was as varied as you would wish, from the 21st century A Salute from Lucerne, through 19 pieces including the traditional Right of the Line and Imperial Echoes.
-----Interspersed, we were entertained with pop favourites such as Sway and I will follow him.
-----I find it hard to choose a special highlight, every number excellent in its own right. But I have to mention the lovely voice and presence of Vanessa Teio-Poleo as she sang How Great Thou Art, No Matter What, Tears in Heaven and E Pari Ra
-----Similarly, I can't single out any player as their music merged, under the baton of Bandmaster Dennis Schofield, into the overall effect that makes our Band so great. As a solo, Doug Rose's Post Horn Gallop was a standout, as usual. Doug was last year's 'Auckland Veteran Champion', a title carried off this year by Bill Rimmer. We applaud them both.
-----Finally, Bob Davis was a great Compere, taking us through the two-hour programme with interest and good humour.

All in all, it was a five-star afternoon. And the Band looks forward to leading 161 Battery on the Tribute08 Honour March through Wellington on 31 May.



Tribute08: See/hear 'The Apology'

The Prime Minister, Rt Hon Helen Clark, will make the Crown apology to Vietnam Veterans and their families in Parliament on Wednesday 28 May at 2pm.

The apology will be broadcast on Freeview 22, Sky 94 and TelstraClear 94.

A live webcast will be on

You can also listen to the House on these frequencies for Radio New Zealand regional stations:

  • Auckland AM 882 Khz
  • Waikato AM 1494 Khz
  • Bay of Plenty AM 657 Khz
  • Napier AM 909 Khz
  • Wellington AM 657 Khz
  • Christchurch AM 963 Khz
  • Dunedin AM 900 Khz
  • Southland AM 1314 Khz

Tribute08: There will be protesters, of course

Protest in Wellington on Saturday, 31 May
There will be a peaceful protest on the route of the honour march, with a banner and placards on the themes, 'We remember ALL who suffered in the war in Viet Nam', 'Aid not parade', and 'When will the government apologise?'.

-----This is intended to be a non-confrontational presence, aimed at the government's approach rather than the veterans, with space for those who would prefer a silent or prayer vigil.
-----If you would like to take part in this protest, please gather at 10am, on the corner of Ballance Street and Lambton Quay.

Or you can read more about it at

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Memorial Day, USA, and Kiwis are remembered

Not long after Anzac Day, and close to Gunners' Day, comes this message from Ken Smith, Foundation President of the 173d Airborne Brigade Association, USA:
As we, in the United States, remember our Fallen this weekend, we also remember those from your ranks who fell fighting alongside of us. We are grateful for their sacrifices, and the sacrifices of their families.
-----All who served - and all who fell - will be honored at the Memorial we are building.
-----Australia and New Zealand have been staunch Allies, and have been there to support us when they were needed (as opposed to some of our other "friends"). The strong ties that exist between our ranks are cherished. We will never forget.

Ken Smith
Foundation President

Tribute08: No airport pick-up on Thursday

Arriving Thursday?
Tribute08 has arranged to meet people on Friday only.
-----This involves chartering the services of a shuttle/taxi company for the whole day from 7.30am to 11pm and paying for four hosts to greet people over the Friday, when the great majority of people arrive.
-----This cost is being met by Tribute08 and they can’t run to that on Thursday.

From the UK: Another publishing delay

Royal Artillery
Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations
Important Announcement

Just a quick note to let you know the disappointing news.
-----The publishers have just informed me that the publication date (originally 19 Jun 08) has been moved back to some time in Nov 08. I have been informed that this is to allow for better advertising and also due to the number of books being published by Spellmount in June.
-----I am sure you can understand my frustration at this delay although it is slightly tempered by the chance to add a couple more pages to the book.

(a very frustrated)

Phil Jobson

Pappy Patchin on David's report from Canada

[, in case you haven't been there.]

What a great read!

Although I am just down the road, @ 90 miles [144 clicks in real distance] from Canada, there is limited information that comes from its military.
-----This weekend is the US Memorial Day. There will be parades, speeches and services at cemeteries and Veterans Memorials.
-----Both Susan and I being Veterans and very active in the American Legion will be participants in many of the services and ceremonies.
-----I often find my mind wandering during the speeches, remembering those men that I spent time with in Vietnam. Brave men from far away countries, on the other side of the world and far below the equator. Men who spoke "English" but with a very funny accent. Men who were Professional Soldiers that gave us Yanks the benefit of their many years of combat and training in the jungle fighting communists.
-----Each time I think of them, with pride that I knew them and pride that I had the opportunity to fight side by side with them. They are not my countrymen but they are My Brothers and I miss them.
-----When my mind comes back to reality I smile and move my eyes around (knowing well that some RSM will eat my heart out if I move my head - it's that old enlisted man or OR mentality I never lost - to see others that will never know the friendship I have with such an exceptional group of men.
-----You, the living are memorialized and I especially remember those who made the supreme sacrifice to keep our ways of life safe.

Thank you and as I learned from you: "Lest We Forget".

Very Truly,

LTC C. "Pappy" Patchin (Ret.)
United States Army

Friday, May 23, 2008

'A great time to be a Gunner'

David Lackey, in Canada, sends us a timely and full report. View it at

Tribute08: On arrival, Friday, 30 May . . .

Arriving by plane?
Tribute08 hosts will be near the baggage claim, to point you toward the complimentary shuttle service. The shuttle will take you to your hotel or hostel.

Arriving by ferry?
No hosts will be at the ferry terminal, but complimentary shuttles will be there to take you to your accommodation.

In both cases, please be ready with the name of your destination for the driver.

Arriving by car?
You will need to find your own parking for Friday. But when you check in to Tribute08, ask for a complimentary car park ticket for Wilson Car Park, TSB Bank Arena, for Saturday and Sunday.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tribute08: 'Ka Mate, Ka Ora'

Written by Helen Pearse-Otene, directed by Jim Moriarty and Alan Scott, Ka Mate, Ka Ora, our nation's battle cry, is a new play from Helen Pearse-Otene, (the writer of Battalion) and co-commissioned by Tribute08 andTe Rakau Hua o te Wao Tapu Trust.

Kimi wants to heal
Sweet doesn't give a damn
Cherry can't take it back
Hohepa remains haunted

Forty years later, these former soldiers, mates in war and peace, still carry the wounds of two wars: one fought in the paddy fields of Vietnam, the other in the consciousness of a nation that wanted to forget.
-----Estranged from their own families who struggle with the fallout that came home with them, and horrified by what has befallen their mate Hohepa, Kimi, Sweet and Cherry decide to embark on one last mission to try and put things right - with surprising results.

Venue: Capital E
Season: 21 May to 1 June 2008
Special performances for Tribute08-registered veterans and family members: 2pm and 5pm on Saturday 31 May and Sunday 1 June

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Tribute08: Vietnam – not just a 12 month tour

Throughout the weekend, veterans and family members can visit the exhibition Vietnam - not just a 12 month tour, at The Academy of Fine Arts at Queens Wharf. The full season runs from Thursday 29 May to 8 June, open from 10am to 5pm daily.
-----The exhibition will highlight issues associated with the effects of the Vietnam War on veterans and issues of healing from these effects.
-----It will portray veteran experiences through photographic displays, text and information stations including:

  • International and New Zealand
    context of the Vietnam War
  • Units that served in Vietnam,
    artillery equipment and soldier
  • Vietnam ‘sounds’ – helicopters,
    night noises, Radio Vietnam,
    forces radio broadcasts
  • Agent Orange and its effects on
    veterans, their families and the
    Vietnamese people
  • 1960s-70s TV lounge showing
    newsreels and documentary
    footage on Vietnam
  • Oral histories from Vietnam
  • Roll of Honour
  • The Memorandum of
    Understanding (MoU)

Make sure you see it when you check in on Friday. You will never have another opportunity like this!

Tribute08: Vietnam video

To see a truly evocative video, with images stretching from then to now, go to (Quicktime needed to view it.)

Watch out for a better-than-cameo appearance by our very own Graeme Black!

Toxins - more questions than answers?

From Frank Parry, following Bill Godfrey's Blog on Medical Checks and Dioxin:
A quote from the Bay of Plenty Times in mid April 08
"Dioxin Service To Start"
"People exposed to Dioxin will soon be able to get help from a specialist health support service.
-----Following an independent report, the Government has instructed the Health Ministry to work with District Health Boards (DHBs) to create the the service, which is to be implemented by July 1, 08."
I have retained the item from the Bay Times, but did not record the published date. This may have some bearing on the omission of Dioxin tests as raised by Bill Godfrey. -
Best Wishes, Frank
Maybe not. This extract comes from
"The Ministry of Health, the Taranaki District Health Board, and health service providers will be working together to implement the service by 1 July 2008. The Ministry will be working with district health boards in other parts of the country so that similar services will be available for eligible [Ivon Watkins Dow, Paritutu] people who now live elsewhere.
-----"Access to the support service would be through individual application to the Ministry of Health and demonstrating individuals had lived or worked in the area during times of high exposure. Anyone who lived, worked or went to school within 1200 metres downwind (to the east or south) of the plant for one year between 1962 and 1969 or for five years between 1970 and 1987 is eligible for the service."
Visit that link, or read a different take at

Monday, May 19, 2008

Tribute08: The programme for Sunday, 1 June

The programme of events for Sunday 1 June:

  • The conclusion of The Vigil, when the photos of those who lost their lives in Vietnam will be taken out from Parliament into the care of EVSA.
  • The Memorial Service. People will form up before 9.00am for the 9.30am service at the National War Memorial, Buckle Street. This will be followed by a march to The Basin Reserve (south end of Cambridge/Kent Tces).
  • The Commemoration and Celebration. From 10.30am Vietnam Veterans and their families will be honoured by the public and dignitaries followed by a NZDF ceremony and entertainment.
  • The formal part of the Celebration should conclude at midday with the entertainment continuing to 1pm.

Looking for somewhere to wait and relax before your flight leaves on Sunday? Our Des Wallace is manager of Seatoun RSA, close by Wellington Airport. He has generously offered to have his RSA open on Sunday afternoon so you will have somewhere to park.

If you would like to make use of this RSA, let me know and I'll confirm numbers with Des.

Regards, Mike

Bill Godfrey, on the Vietnam vets medical check

I have recently received my medical check-up papers from VANZ. They are quite comprehensive and Veterans should give them to their GP before an appointment is made so that the GP can absorb them and see what is required.
-----It is the best opportunity we will get to update current disabilities and initiate any new ones.
-----There is however one disturbing feature of the medical and that is it appears that no provision has been made to test the veterans for toxins which may still be in their systems. I thought this should have been the most obvious thing to test for.

I would be interested in comments on this matter.


Bill Godfrey

John Tulloch - in the blink of an eye

Thank you very much indeed for keeping me up to date in reference to Tribute08 and general RNZA affairs. Rod Baldwin and Jerry Meyer have likewise kept me in the loop concerning the RNZA, Veterans Affairs, Agent Orange et al.
-----Tribute 08. My intention, having discussed it with Harley Pope when he visited the UK last year, was to attend Tribute08. Regrettably that will not be the case due to medical grounds.

-----The medical excuse: I was on the verge of flying to Belize to assist the British Army in jungle warfare training and teaching FOOs and MFCs the art of adjusting indirect fire in close country (yes, at my age! I have actually been doing this for the past 15 years in both Brunei and Belize).
-----The day before I was due to fly, the retina in my left eye started to detach rapidly. Luckily I knew the symptoms as I had had a similar problem with my right eye and retina in Sep 2001. However, I was rushed to Southampton General Hospital, where they operated on me on Saturday evening (I was due to fly early Sunday morning).
-----The consultant surgeon drove down from London to carry out the operation. Not only was the retina detaching but it had also torn so it was a tricky operation and more complicated than my right eye.
-----Thankfully he saved the sight in my left eye, though I seem to have lost some peripheral vision which I hope is only temporary. Time will tell. At the moment I am grounded in many ways, which includes definitely no flying. My eyes have changed so new glasses are required and I can't wear my contacts at the moment due to the stitches in the eye.
-----I hope to be given a clean bill of health on 3 June when I next see the consultant. He did mention to me that if I had flown I would have probably joined the Nelson Club! Luck or good fortune works in a strange way sometimes.
-----Anyway, above is my excuse for not attending. I have looked at the 161 Bty RNZA list and many names bring back fond memories of my service in the RNZA. There are too many names to list them all here, for I also fear if I did list names I may inadvertentently mention someone who has passed on. Jerry's updates and Muzzle Flashes are very salutory in that arena, ie the late Joe Fallon as one example.

So, please do pass on my best wishes to all, have a fantastic time and sink a few! My thoughts will be with you all. My aim is to get back to NZ for a decent leave with Victoria and hopefully to meet up with people.

Tribute08: Flag bearers for our five war dead

On Saturday morning, during the Honour March from Civic Square to Parliament, five flags will be carried to represent our war dead.

The flag bearers are:
Denis Dwane -------for Bdr Robert White
Chris Turver -------for Sgt Alistair Don
Graeme Black -----for Capt Peter Williams
Roger Dudfield ---for Gnr SW Ellwood

Mike Lynch --------for Gnr NSG Lyes

Tribute08: Dress and medals

Dress for the weekend overall is "comfortable, smart-casual".

For the following events, 'Dress as for ANZAC Day Services, including medals'

  • Saturday - The Honour March, Whakanoa & Parliamentary Welcome
  • Sunday----The Memorial Service, The Commemoration & Celebration

Tribute08: The programme for Saturday, 31 May 08

The Tribute including:

  • Honour March to Parliament. Veterans and families gather in Sub-Units at Civic Square from 9am and begin marching at 10am along Willis Street and Lambton Quay to arrive at Parliament by 11am.
  • At Parliament from 11am, the Whakanoa Ceremony will acknowledge the New Zealanders who gave their lives in Vietnam. It will be an important part of the spiritual healing aimed at helping to free Vietnam Veterans from the tapu of war.
  • This will be followed by the Parliamentary Welcome by the Prime Minister, Rt Hon Helen Clark to all Vietnam Veterans and their families.
  • The Vigil will then begin, in which the families of those killed in action will carry photos of their loved ones to the Legislative Council Chamber where they can be honoured and remembered by family, veterans and the public (concludes at midnight Saturday).
  • Proceedings at Parliament will conclude about midday with Sub-Unit photo sessions and refreshments near Parliament grounds.
  • The EVSA Biennial General Meeting will begin with a buffet lunch at about 1.30pm in Chancellor 1, Level 16, James Cook Grand Chancellor, 125 The Terrace. All EVSA members welcome. The general meeting commences at 2pm.
  • 161 Battery's Reunion will begin from 3.30pm at Chancellor 1, Level 16, James Cook Grand Chancellor, 125 The Terrace. Mix and mingle, chat to old and new mates and their families.
  • Medals will be presented to those who have requested this, starting at 4.30pm.
  • A light buffet meal will be available. You need to have purchased a voucher at the time you check in on Friday, to access this subsidised meal.
  • Good Night Vietnam Concert at 8.00pm at the TSB Bank Arena will be a nostalgic 60s–70s music and entertainment show featuring Australian pop legend Russell Morris and supported by covers band Super Model and members of the NZ Army band. Other artists include Ray Columbus, Suzanne Lynch and the multi-talented Frankie Stevens. There will also be cameo appearances from Charlotte Yates singing ‘Stand’ from Parade 98 and Victor 3’s own Paddy Driver singing ‘A Walk in the Light Green’.

Tomorrow: The programme of events for Sunday 1 June

Dave Sabben brings Long Tan to life

Here's a good job, very well done, valuable yet free. Please pass it on to any others who could use it.

Vietnam vet, Dave Sabben, who fought in the Battle of Long Tan, has produced a 50-slide animated Powerpoint presentation of the battle.
-----It can be downloaded free from the net, and Dave would like it sent as far and as wide as possible.
-----The contents are suitable for school teachers & students as well as Viet Vets and others who are just interested. Not to forget serving members of all forces, including those overseas and in Allied forces.
-----It's a PC version only (a Mac version may follow, if funded), and runs on Powerpoint version 2003 and later. Don't try to run it on earlier Powerpoint versions - eg, 97 - it uses features not available before the 03 version.
-----It's large - about 5.6Mb - but it's paced to the viewer. Maybe an hour or more of viewing/study.
-----The website is Click on Download LONG TAN PowerPoint presentation.
-----I suggest you "save to disk" so you can run it whenever you wish, rather than opening it in Powerpoint.

[If you don't have PP 2003 or later, you can download OpenOffice Impress for free -it does the job at least as well as PP.]

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Tribute08: Programme for Friday, 30 May

Wellington, Friday 30 May to Sunday 1 June 2008
The programme of events for Friday 30 May 2008
  • Check In all day (9am to 11pm) at the TSB Bank Arena, Queens Wharf (see note below)
  • Collect Registration Packs and visit the EVSA and Tribute08 booths
  • Launch of the book Voices of Vietnam hosted by Willson Scott Publishing, early afternoon at the TSB Bank Arena, Queens Wharf
  • Meet at the TSB Bank Arena from 3.30pm to be shown to Civic Square for the Civic Welcome from 4pm, followed by Beating the Retreat at sunset
  • Sub-Unit Family Gatherings starting at 6pm at the TSB Bank Arena, Queens Wharf. Food and beverage available

Note: When you check in, you need to collect your voucher for Saturday evening's light buffet at the 161 Battery reunion. The buffet meal is subsidised; the cost to you is only $10 per person. Present your voucher on Saturday evening.

Tomorrow: The programme of events for Saturday 31 May 2008

Ray 'x' revealed

From soon-to-be member Mayne Manson:

Greetings All
Ray is Ray HOOPER x Christchurch. I believe he is no longer with us. I have sent an email to Allan with some more details about Ray. I was in Hong Kong about one day before Ray arrived. The memory of that trip is a little fuzzy, must have been something I ate.
-----Looking forward to catching up with a few gunners at Tribute 08. For those slightly interested, I am staying at the Mercure Hotel on the Terrace.
-----Still planning to join Association, just have not got round to it yet. No more threats needed from Graeme B.

See you all in Wellington. 12 fried eggs to go.

Regards, Mayne MANSON

Ray F Hooper died in 2003, one of 23% of Gunner VN vets - 172 - known to have died so far.
-----Go to to check the names, then advise the web site of any other names or info that you have, to keep it up to date.
They shall not grow old
As we who are left grow old.
At the going down of the sun,
And in the morning,
We will remember them.
We will remember them.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Seeking Ray 'x', VN; + HK R&R 1968

Allan Wood from the lovely Apple Isle:

Hello, from Tasmania. Found you on the Tribute08 website. Wish we could be there in Wellington next month, but . . .
-----I was a member of 4RAR Tracker's May '68 onward. When I had my R&R in Hong Kong in late November of that year, I spent the 5 days knocking around with a 161 Bty guy, name of Ray. Can't remember his last name now, & lost touch soon after coming home in '69.
-----I've enclosed photos of him in Hong Kong [1968, remember!], & wonder if you or any others there recognise him, if he's still around?

Best regards,

Allan Wood (

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Seeking Noel Freeman

Dick Archer knew (S/Sgt?) Noel Freeman as a 'supply sergeant' at Nui Dat around 1969, and he has been trying to find him for some years. Dick was employed there by a civil contractor.

Can you help Dick in any way? If so, email him at

Tribute08: Secret Squirrel signs in

I have it on good authority but not yet confirmed that 'The Apology' [to Vietnam Vets] is scheduled to be read in Parliament on 28 May at 2 p.m......go to Sky Channel 94 or Freeview Channel 21 for a sit has taken 40 years so you don't want to miss it.....don't quote me please...................cheers

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Peter 'Doggo' Downs recovers

Salutations to All
You may or may not be aware that Doggo has been in Greenslopes Hospital in Brisbane for the past week. Last night, the 13th, he had a pacemaker fitted.
-----I have this evening spoken with both Bev and Doggo. He will be going home tomorrow for a couple of weeks of taking it easy.
-----We wish him well and hope he has a speedy recovery.


Brian Jerry Meyer

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

7RAR gets ready to rumble


My name is Joe Turra, ex-member and Vietnam veteran with 7th Battalion RAR Vietnam, 1967-68 and 1970-71. I have been tasked to locate units who supported 7RAR on operations in Vietnam 1967-68 and 1970-71. 7RAR is holding a reunion on the Gold Coast in Aug/Sep 2009.
-----The link to 7RAR web site is
-----The site has preliminary dates and accom- modation details, however not all planning has been completed for registration and costs etc.
-----Enquiries can be directed to Kevin Gillett

Regards, Joe

A voice from the past

Blue Neal looks for some light on his grandfather's service:

I am conducting some family history research and ask if your Association could throw some light on the Service background of my late Grandfather TALBOT NEAL.
-----From his funeral report, he was a SGT MAJ in “J” Battery at Palmerston North in 1913. (He is crouched down behind the gun with his hand in the air). How long and where he served I have no record.
-----He died at an early age from what I understand was Typhoid, in 1918.

I have pointed Blue to Archives NZ. Does anyone have another idea for enquiry? If so, you can contact Blue at

Coincidental dates

From Brian Edmonds:

With 26 May looming, I'm reminded that there were 3 members of the 68/69 Battery who all celebrated their birthdays on the 26th.

  1. J S M Tulloch
  2. The late Jack Keinzley
  3. An old Redneck from Cairns commonly known as "The Rover Wrecker" - one Black from Hamilton will tell you the story and show you the photos.

Monday, May 12, 2008

A good sort of chain letter - and cheaper petrol?

A good idea passed on by Roley Flutey:

By now you're probably thinking petrol priced at about $1.50 is super cheap. It is currently $1.90 for regular unleaded. And now that the oil companies and OPEC have conditioned us to think that the cost of a gallon of gas is cheap at $1.50, we need to take aggressive action to teach them that buyers control the marketplace.
-----The only way we are going to see the price of petrol come down is if we hit them in the pocket by not purchasing their petrol! And, we can do that without hurting ourselves.

-----How? Since we all rely on our cars, we can't just stop buying petrol. But we can have an impact on petrol prices if we all act together to force a price war.

Here's the idea:
For the rest of this year, don't purchase any petrol from the two biggest global petroleum companies, ExxonMobil and Shell.
-----If they are not selling any petrol, they will be inclined to reduce their prices. If they reduce their prices, the other companies will have to follow suit.
-----But to have an impact, we need to reach literally millions of Mobil and Shell petrol buyers. And it's really simple to do! This post goes to 320 people (including you) who could each send it to ten more people. Get your pencil and paper to work - oh, go on then, use your calculator - to find out how easily and quickly two million consumers have been informed.
-----Now - how soon to reach TWO HUNDRED MILLION people - worldwide?

-----Again, to make it happen, all you have to do is send this to ten people. That's all!
-----How long would all that take? If each of us sends this email out to ten more people within one day of receipt 200,000,000 people could conceivably be contacted worldwide within the next eight days!
-----By acting together, we can make a difference. If this makes sense to you, please pass this message on and boycott Mobil and Shell until they lower their prices below the $1.50 range and keep them down.
-----OK, you might have to break the habit of a lifetime by passing Shell and Mobil, but it's their pocket or yours.

Gunners' Day in Wellington . . .

1200 hrs
Hall of Memories, Buckle Street, Wellington

292nd anniversary of
Introduction: Rick Reynolds
Opening prayer: Padre Ian McKie
Guest Speaker: Col R A Burns OBE ED
Wreath Laying
One minute's silence
The Ode:
They shall grow not old, as we that a left grow old.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning,
We will remember them.
We will remember them.

Blessing: Padre Ian McKie

Following this ceremony you are invited to gather
with your partners at the Johnsonville RSA Club
for a light lunch and lots of reminiscing.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Australian Vietnam Commander diaries

Ken Dowling in Victoria, with info and a great offer -

In case you aren't aware, the RAR Vietnam Commander diaries are now available for download from the web. I am finding the 9RAR diaries of interest and I guess other Kiwi Vets will find relevant ones of interest.
-----The web site is
-----The diaries are in the form of one PDF file per month. These are fairly large PDF files, typically 25-30MB and sometimes with Annexe(s) about the same size.
-----I have downloaded the complete 9RAR set. If you think there will be some interest from gunners who were there at 9RAR time, then I'll cut a number of CDs of the 9RAR set [only] for distribution - no charge.
Ken Dowling (

Interested in the 9RAR diaries? Then let Ken know and he'll see you at Tribute 08.

WW2: Asking about AJ 'Jim" Edwards

My name is Alistair Edwards (ex RNZEME)
-----I am trying to find out the details and military record of my father, James A Edwards, 1921, 22 Battalion. Sadly he died of cancer when I was approx 2 years old in 1965.
-----I have very sketchy details as to his history and am currently getting his medals refurbished and mounted. I would like to add details of his military career in this plaque.
-----The details I have are that he was in the Artillery in North Africa (but no war medal for that, so staging for Italy?), Italy, J-Force and in Korea. He retired after obtaining the rank of sergeant major. He then moved into a career in NZ Rail. His nick names were AJ or Jim.
-----I do know he had strong views about the American military after his tour in Korea, not very flattering, Re Americans retreating and leaving the New Zealander artillery in the front line.
-----His medals are the 1939-45 Star, Italy Star, Defence Medal, 39-45 medal, NZ service medal 39-45 Korea medal and UN Korea.
-----I would be grateful for any details (dates) and photos of him and his unit. I only have one wedding photo.
-----Your help with this would be most appreciated. It would be sad to have his legacy lost, clouded in confusion.

Thank you, on behalf of my brothers and sisters, and our children.

Alistair Edwards (

Peter 'Doggo' Downs

Salutations to All

This to give you an update on Doggo who was addmitted to Greenslopes Hospital in Brisbane last Wed after Joe Fallon's last parade on the Tues.
-----Doggo's health has not been good for some time. It seems he will have to have a pacemaker put in - not sure exactly when this will be done.
-----His NOK is Bev Downs at ++617 3802 8019


Brian Jerry Meyer

Friday, May 9, 2008

Tribute08: Someone who watched over us

Hello All
Over the last few years I have been trying to track down the two Red Cross welfare workers, Isobel Beaumont and Avis Wilkes, who were attached to the RAAMC 1st Fd Hospital Vung Tau SVN.
-----As with many Vietnam Vets, both Isobel and Avis came home and were forgotten. I have read through the files and have been approached by a few vets who were touched by the support provided by these two at Vung Tau, once they were medivac'ed or RTU'd.
-----I have been successful in finding Avis and I'm still working on Isobel. After a bit of prompting Avis will be attending Tribute 08.
-----She will be presented with her Vietnam GSM, Operational Service Medal and also her replacement Vietnam Campaign Medal that was lost in the Southland floods in the early 80's (she only revealed this to me a few weeks ago) at our office on Thursday 29th May.
-----I understand Avis received an invite to a 161 reunion many years ago, unfortunately it arrived 12 months too late as Avis was overseas.
-----My request to your fellow vets is that Avis will be attending by herself, with much humility, and I hope that she receives your support both at the ceremonial and social activities during this signifient weekend.

If you have any queries please feel free to contact me.

Andrew McKie
International Operations Manager
New Zealand Red Cross
DDI 04471 8251

Also WO1 (Rtd) RNZAMC 1971-1991

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Tribute08: Full list of attending vets

To see the full list, go to
-----We now have 323 people registered with 161 Battery, 166 of whom are accompanying the vets.
-----And there are more to come.

Oh, listen to the Band!

Click the image to enlarge it -

And Jim Opai's last Parade, too

Jimmy (Winata) Opai was farewelled in Dunedin on Saturday May 3 at a large service followed by private cremation.
-----Brother Merv (SVN Inf) paid tribute to his older brother further telling those in attendance that besides himself and Jim, two other family members also served in SVN.
-----Jim passed away within weeks of being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.
-----The service tribute was delivered by Lox Kellas who said Jim served as No 3 on Joe Donnelly's gun during that venerable gun sergeant's first tour.
-----Also present were Fred Daniels, Miles Singe and a handful of other greying and aging vets.

As Lox mentioned at the service's conclusion, "It's a bit more difficult when we bury our own."

We agree.

Pete Christian

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Selling fast! Lapel pins

We had fewer lapel pins than I guesstimated, making them even scarcer.
-----We sold 15 overnight and there are but 25 left at the rock bottom price of only $5. A good buy for resale later or nostalgia.

Going, going . . .

Searching for lost info

Glorianne Campbell asks for info about her dad, who has just died. She understand he was in the British Army, but the only clue is the poorly defined cap badge in the photo.
Can we help her? If so, let me know and I'll pass it on.
Cheers, Mike

Joe Fallon has a great send-off

Salutations to You All

Yesterday the 6th of May 08 at 1100hrs, Larry Southern, V3 "Wings" Williams 4 Tp NZSAS, Maj Mike Gillooly 161 Bty, Joe's son Patrick, known to many of us from Papakura Sgts mess days as John, Dean, Joe's son-in-law, and myself had the privilege of being pallbearers at Joe's last Parade. We carried Joe into the Church accompanied by a Scottish Piper
-----We then had a great service conducted by the RC priest a Fr Onwunali. Mike Gillooly gave a reading. Eulogies were given by Mike Gillooly, Patrick Fallon and "Wings" Williams, President of the Redcliffe Sub-Branch. Trevor Huggard, Ex-14 Sqn RNZAF, who many will remember as Publican of the Robbie Burns in Takanini in the 80s and Dean also spoke.
-----The Piper played Amazing Grace. The Welfare Officer from the Redcliffe Sub-Branch conducted the RSL Service during which the Family and the Veterans placed the poppies on the casket.
-----At the end of the Service, Clarence Ormsby 161 Bty, Tom 161 Bty, Glenda Tuhoro, Larry Southern and "Wings" Williams sang Now is the Hour in Maori and English. Very well done.
-----We then carried Joe from the church accompanied by the piper.
-----Joe had the last laugh on us when his coffin was placed in the hearse - ready for travel, the hearse would not start, having a flat battery.
-----Other New Zealand Veterans in attendance besides those mentioned above were:
David Melrose, NZ REGT 1 Bn 57/59 - David now lives on the Gold Coast but used to live in Papakura. David was an original band member of the Bn band, the forerunner of the present NZAB; Don St Bruno, RNZIR V1 and 161 Bty; Peter "Doggo" Downs RNZEME 161 Bty; John Tuahine, RNZASC/NZSAS 4 Tp; and Colin Cochrane RNZE 161 Bty

We stand on the shoulders of giants


Brian Jerry Meyer

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

From the committee meeting minutes

The newsworthy bits from the minutes are:

Lapel pins:
We have about 50 'Old Comrades' lapel pins to be sold at $5.00 each. These are now collectors' items and any that are not sold to members will be placed on Trade Me.
-----New pins are in the pipeline for The RNZA Assn, and these are likely to sell at $7.50 – it will be two months or so before they are available.

'Haka for Justice'
One of our members in Australia, Clarence Ormsby JP (NSW), is leading a class action to sue the Governments of NZ and Australia for criminal negligence arising from their supply of toxins for use in Vietnam, and their commitment of troops to work in a toxic environment.
-----The committee decided after discussion that it would be inappropriate to support the action as many of our members never served in Vietnam and it would be a misuse of our resources. This does not prevent individual members from joining the class action.

Banking has switched to Kiwibank for more favourable interest and service rates.

Annual reunion at Taupo
60 years as an incorporated society
Programme, 7-9 November 2008:
  • Check in Friday afternoon
  • Happy Hour and Buffet meal
  • Saturday morning AGM
  • Remainder of Saturday at leisure
  • Dining-in Saturday night
  • Sunday morning memorial service
  • Disperse

The RNZA Association will administer the affairs of Chapter 19, 173d AB Assn, with members of Chapter 19 joining our association

The Association will continue to actively assist members to access services from existing agencies (eg, VANZ, RSA, EVSA) and be a 'support of last resort'.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Kim McGrath's Singapore

Our Aussie Gunner, Kim McGrath, has revisited Singapore after an absence of 35 Years, to find it much changed.
-----Click on the image to enlarge it, or go to to read about his trip and see more photos.

New members march in

10 Full Members have joined us:
Doug Morrow--Chris McKay------,-Les Pennal
Ken Davies-----Ken 'KG' Edwards--Brian Dilger
Peter Hanson--Max Newman-----,-Dennis Schofield
Rowan 'Woody' Waddell

And one Associate Member:
Bob Davis

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Credit card scam warning - it's serious!

This really is worth noting. My wife was in the process of divulging some info, luckily I was eavesdropping and grabbed the phone off her and cordially invited the caller to observe the mistletoe pinned to my shirt tail.

Be aware that there are scumbags out there who will purport to be your own bank!

To see how this scam operates, go to

Do not treat this as a joke.

Graeme Black

Friday, May 2, 2008

Tribute08: The Band will march on!

We have great news that NZDF has found a way to get the RNZA Band to Wellington and have them march with us on Saturday, 31 May.
-----Don't even think of asking how this came about, just be happy!
-----However, thanks to David Lackey for whatever he did that we're not asking about.

And a reminder to support the Band when it plays in concert at Orewa on Sunday afternoon, 25 May. Take a nice drive up there.

Poem: The Anzac on the Wall

From Rod Simpson:

The Anzac on the Wall - go to

Lost: Two 6-in naval guns

Timaru has a World War II site where two 6 inch Mark VII Wire BL naval guns were mounted. These were, I believe, Vickers weapons and their numbers were 1506, and 2095.
-----Over the last few years a friend and I have been researching this site and we would be keen to find out more information about where the guns came from and what happened to them after the war.

-----In February 1945 they were shipped back to Auckland but that seems to be where the trail ends. Presumably they had been formerly mounted on some warship and we are interested in finding out about this too.
-----Several years ago I started a free website about the area. If any of you are interested in having a look the website address is:
-----Would you gentlemen have any thoughts about where information about these issues may be available. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Yours faithfully

John Watson

Return to Nee Soon

From Kim McGrath, Aussie Gunner

Hi Folks,
I have just been back to Singapore after 35 years and have seen the changes! I managed to get an escorted tour of the Nee Soon Camp by Warrant Officer James Chua who is the Complex Sergeant Major.
-----Jim has been in the Singapore Army for 31 years and will retire in about 4 more. Panjab Square is now a parking lot with trees and a lot of trucks under tarps.
-----I took about another 23 photos in the area but was limited inside the camp, obviously for security reasons and that I didn't want to offend my host. I have sent the remainder of the photographs to Graham Hampton who is the webmaster for the Australian Artillery Association website at: for posting on the site. I imagine that it will take him a little while to organise this.
-----Singapore has, naturally, changed greatly and is now a modern city which has lost a lot of the Asian old world charm and aromas! Bugis Street is now like Paddy's Markets - alas! As they say: "Time and Tide....."


PS: Just an observation - this time when I arrived back home with QANTAS I didn't weigh 11.5 stone!