Saturday, May 10, 2008

Australian Vietnam Commander diaries

Ken Dowling in Victoria, with info and a great offer -

In case you aren't aware, the RAR Vietnam Commander diaries are now available for download from the web. I am finding the 9RAR diaries of interest and I guess other Kiwi Vets will find relevant ones of interest.
-----The web site is
-----The diaries are in the form of one PDF file per month. These are fairly large PDF files, typically 25-30MB and sometimes with Annexe(s) about the same size.
-----I have downloaded the complete 9RAR set. If you think there will be some interest from gunners who were there at 9RAR time, then I'll cut a number of CDs of the 9RAR set [only] for distribution - no charge.
Ken Dowling (

Interested in the 9RAR diaries? Then let Ken know and he'll see you at Tribute 08.

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