Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Tribute08: Vietnam – not just a 12 month tour

Throughout the weekend, veterans and family members can visit the exhibition Vietnam - not just a 12 month tour, at The Academy of Fine Arts at Queens Wharf. The full season runs from Thursday 29 May to 8 June, open from 10am to 5pm daily.
-----The exhibition will highlight issues associated with the effects of the Vietnam War on veterans and issues of healing from these effects.
-----It will portray veteran experiences through photographic displays, text and information stations including:

  • International and New Zealand
    context of the Vietnam War
  • Units that served in Vietnam,
    artillery equipment and soldier
  • Vietnam ‘sounds’ – helicopters,
    night noises, Radio Vietnam,
    forces radio broadcasts
  • Agent Orange and its effects on
    veterans, their families and the
    Vietnamese people
  • 1960s-70s TV lounge showing
    newsreels and documentary
    footage on Vietnam
  • Oral histories from Vietnam
  • Roll of Honour
  • The Memorandum of
    Understanding (MoU)

Make sure you see it when you check in on Friday. You will never have another opportunity like this!

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