Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tribute08: 'Ka Mate, Ka Ora'

Written by Helen Pearse-Otene, directed by Jim Moriarty and Alan Scott, Ka Mate, Ka Ora, our nation's battle cry, is a new play from Helen Pearse-Otene, (the writer of Battalion) and co-commissioned by Tribute08 andTe Rakau Hua o te Wao Tapu Trust.

Kimi wants to heal
Sweet doesn't give a damn
Cherry can't take it back
Hohepa remains haunted

Forty years later, these former soldiers, mates in war and peace, still carry the wounds of two wars: one fought in the paddy fields of Vietnam, the other in the consciousness of a nation that wanted to forget.
-----Estranged from their own families who struggle with the fallout that came home with them, and horrified by what has befallen their mate Hohepa, Kimi, Sweet and Cherry decide to embark on one last mission to try and put things right - with surprising results.

Venue: Capital E
Season: 21 May to 1 June 2008
Special performances for Tribute08-registered veterans and family members: 2pm and 5pm on Saturday 31 May and Sunday 1 June

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