Monday, May 19, 2008

Tribute08: The programme for Saturday, 31 May 08

The Tribute including:

  • Honour March to Parliament. Veterans and families gather in Sub-Units at Civic Square from 9am and begin marching at 10am along Willis Street and Lambton Quay to arrive at Parliament by 11am.
  • At Parliament from 11am, the Whakanoa Ceremony will acknowledge the New Zealanders who gave their lives in Vietnam. It will be an important part of the spiritual healing aimed at helping to free Vietnam Veterans from the tapu of war.
  • This will be followed by the Parliamentary Welcome by the Prime Minister, Rt Hon Helen Clark to all Vietnam Veterans and their families.
  • The Vigil will then begin, in which the families of those killed in action will carry photos of their loved ones to the Legislative Council Chamber where they can be honoured and remembered by family, veterans and the public (concludes at midnight Saturday).
  • Proceedings at Parliament will conclude about midday with Sub-Unit photo sessions and refreshments near Parliament grounds.
  • The EVSA Biennial General Meeting will begin with a buffet lunch at about 1.30pm in Chancellor 1, Level 16, James Cook Grand Chancellor, 125 The Terrace. All EVSA members welcome. The general meeting commences at 2pm.
  • 161 Battery's Reunion will begin from 3.30pm at Chancellor 1, Level 16, James Cook Grand Chancellor, 125 The Terrace. Mix and mingle, chat to old and new mates and their families.
  • Medals will be presented to those who have requested this, starting at 4.30pm.
  • A light buffet meal will be available. You need to have purchased a voucher at the time you check in on Friday, to access this subsidised meal.
  • Good Night Vietnam Concert at 8.00pm at the TSB Bank Arena will be a nostalgic 60s–70s music and entertainment show featuring Australian pop legend Russell Morris and supported by covers band Super Model and members of the NZ Army band. Other artists include Ray Columbus, Suzanne Lynch and the multi-talented Frankie Stevens. There will also be cameo appearances from Charlotte Yates singing ‘Stand’ from Parade 98 and Victor 3’s own Paddy Driver singing ‘A Walk in the Light Green’.

Tomorrow: The programme of events for Sunday 1 June

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