Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Joe Fallon has a great send-off

Salutations to You All

Yesterday the 6th of May 08 at 1100hrs, Larry Southern, V3 "Wings" Williams 4 Tp NZSAS, Maj Mike Gillooly 161 Bty, Joe's son Patrick, known to many of us from Papakura Sgts mess days as John, Dean, Joe's son-in-law, and myself had the privilege of being pallbearers at Joe's last Parade. We carried Joe into the Church accompanied by a Scottish Piper
-----We then had a great service conducted by the RC priest a Fr Onwunali. Mike Gillooly gave a reading. Eulogies were given by Mike Gillooly, Patrick Fallon and "Wings" Williams, President of the Redcliffe Sub-Branch. Trevor Huggard, Ex-14 Sqn RNZAF, who many will remember as Publican of the Robbie Burns in Takanini in the 80s and Dean also spoke.
-----The Piper played Amazing Grace. The Welfare Officer from the Redcliffe Sub-Branch conducted the RSL Service during which the Family and the Veterans placed the poppies on the casket.
-----At the end of the Service, Clarence Ormsby 161 Bty, Tom 161 Bty, Glenda Tuhoro, Larry Southern and "Wings" Williams sang Now is the Hour in Maori and English. Very well done.
-----We then carried Joe from the church accompanied by the piper.
-----Joe had the last laugh on us when his coffin was placed in the hearse - ready for travel, the hearse would not start, having a flat battery.
-----Other New Zealand Veterans in attendance besides those mentioned above were:
David Melrose, NZ REGT 1 Bn 57/59 - David now lives on the Gold Coast but used to live in Papakura. David was an original band member of the Bn band, the forerunner of the present NZAB; Don St Bruno, RNZIR V1 and 161 Bty; Peter "Doggo" Downs RNZEME 161 Bty; John Tuahine, RNZASC/NZSAS 4 Tp; and Colin Cochrane RNZE 161 Bty

We stand on the shoulders of giants


Brian Jerry Meyer

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