Monday, May 19, 2008

Dave Sabben brings Long Tan to life

Here's a good job, very well done, valuable yet free. Please pass it on to any others who could use it.

Vietnam vet, Dave Sabben, who fought in the Battle of Long Tan, has produced a 50-slide animated Powerpoint presentation of the battle.
-----It can be downloaded free from the net, and Dave would like it sent as far and as wide as possible.
-----The contents are suitable for school teachers & students as well as Viet Vets and others who are just interested. Not to forget serving members of all forces, including those overseas and in Allied forces.
-----It's a PC version only (a Mac version may follow, if funded), and runs on Powerpoint version 2003 and later. Don't try to run it on earlier Powerpoint versions - eg, 97 - it uses features not available before the 03 version.
-----It's large - about 5.6Mb - but it's paced to the viewer. Maybe an hour or more of viewing/study.
-----The website is Click on Download LONG TAN PowerPoint presentation.
-----I suggest you "save to disk" so you can run it whenever you wish, rather than opening it in Powerpoint.

[If you don't have PP 2003 or later, you can download OpenOffice Impress for free -it does the job at least as well as PP.]

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