Thursday, May 8, 2008

And Jim Opai's last Parade, too

Jimmy (Winata) Opai was farewelled in Dunedin on Saturday May 3 at a large service followed by private cremation.
-----Brother Merv (SVN Inf) paid tribute to his older brother further telling those in attendance that besides himself and Jim, two other family members also served in SVN.
-----Jim passed away within weeks of being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.
-----The service tribute was delivered by Lox Kellas who said Jim served as No 3 on Joe Donnelly's gun during that venerable gun sergeant's first tour.
-----Also present were Fred Daniels, Miles Singe and a handful of other greying and aging vets.

As Lox mentioned at the service's conclusion, "It's a bit more difficult when we bury our own."

We agree.

Pete Christian

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