Monday, March 31, 2008

Gunners' Day down South

Hello fellow gunners
Just a short note to inform you of the Gunners' Dinner being held in the Christchurch RSA Club rooms on the 29 May 2008, If you are down our way and wish to attend just drop Pat Duggan a note on his email: and I am sure we will be able to fit you in.
Russ Barron
3Fd Regt RNZA 1969-1990

Hello fellow Gunners,

For those who may wish to invest in the great southern delight (Bluff Oysters) we have presently arranged for a supply of these fabulous delights at a cost to you of  $19.00 per dozen plus freight if required, cash on order.

The supply is not unlimited so first in first served. I can be contacted on

Regards Russ Barron

3 Fd Regt RNZA 1969-1990 

A bit from a Brit


Just a quick email to let you know that the Royal Artillery Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations (Historical and Modern) is now available for pre-order, if you're interested!
Below is the link to which is offering a discount on the book, to be published on 19 Jun 08.
[Copy & paste in your browser address bar.]

Cheers, Phil

Philip Jobson
Chairman - South London District Royal Artillery Association
Secretary - South East Region Royal Artillery Association
Secretary - Woolwich & Plumstead Branch Royal Artillery Association
Secretary - Friends of Firepower (The Royal Artillery Museum)

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Looking for a Gunner badge . . .

Barry Allison, Editor RSA Review, writes:
Hi...I've received a request from the president of Ruatoria RSA if I can find a Gunner's cap badge for a veteran returning to Korea in "about a month's time".

The request came from Alex Reedy, Tuparoa Road, Ruatoria, although he is not the one travelling . . . that name I don't have. Alex phone is 06 864 8228 if you can help.

Militaria shops are thin on the ground over here so I thought of asking you guys.



6 Coldstream Road
06 867 7248
027 289 2204

Friday, March 28, 2008

Lost trail: JRs gone missing

John R Barrett (not Woody) has moved and we've lost his trail. He was at RD3 Albany.

Does anyone know where he is? We'd like another shot at delivering his copy of New Zealand Gunner.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Henry Salt phones in from Oz

Henry sounds as he always did, a little dry, but his mind's as sharp as a razor. He says he supports the move to affiliate with the RNZRSA, to ensure veterans receive their entitlements - it sounds as if they don't, living in Oz, and I've undertaken to look into his situation. He says his health is fair apart from his attributable disabilities, although he needs a stick to keep steady.

It was great to chat with him after 40 or more years.

Pappy Patchin has a dog for sale

  • Free to good home
  • Excellent guard dog
  • Owner cannot afford to feed him anymore, as there are no more thieves, murderers, or molesters left in the neighbourhood for him to eat
  • Most of them knew him as 'Holy Shit.'
[Click & choose to enlarge]

. . . and I apologise

. . . to the RNZA Band, which was a much appreciated and appropriate complement to The Gunners book launch at the Auckland War Memorial Museum on 27 March. As always they performed faultlessly; their music was the first greeting as we entered through the revolving doors and followed us quietly as we moved about.

In my excitement at having a night out, I quite forgot to include them in my coverage of the event - I've calmed down a bit now, thanks.


David Lackey sends us two very good stories

"I do believe we should affiliate with RNZRSA. . It seems to me that the RSA now properly represents the interests of a great number of Vietnam-era gunners and it would be churlish, to my mind, to take any other stance."
[And of course we're also interested in pre-Vietnam Gunners . . . yes, there are many . . . and those yet to come.]

"I'm sorry to say I will miss Tribute 08 but wish everyone a most enjoyable and successful reunion.

"Many thanks for all your good efforts with the blog and newsletters which I find most interesting and very professional.

"Talk of both Steve Weir and Kim Morrison in the latest issue, brought back the following memories - something you may care to consider for the record:"
Sorry, these two stories were just too good to share with you right now – you'll have to wait for the next issue of The New Zealand Gunner.]

"I mingle, on a regular basis with the Ottawa gunners - good blokes all, and their battery is doing impressive stuff in Afghanistan."


David Lackey
9 Bracken Court

Joe Fallon worsens

Salutations to All

Have this evening spoken with Marina. Joe is now home having arrived there today. The news is not good, as Joe is not going to have any further treatment.

We can only wish Joe all the best in his last days.


We Stand on the Shoulders of Giants

Brian Jerry Meyer

'The Gunners' take post!

The latest landmark in the RNZA's history, The Gunners, was launched on the open market, in Auckland today. Brig Graham Birch, our Colonel Commandant began the day promoting the book on NewsTalk ZB with Paul Holmes, and the day ended with the official function in The Armoury at the Auckland War Memorial Museum.

Brig Birch spoke of the proud record of the RNZA, from its roots to the present day. He commended all who contributed, even in a small way, to the finished work. He was followed by Lt Col Nick Gillard, CO 16 Field Regiment, who explained the diverse role of the Regiment today, and the many different tasks it is called on to perform in a professional way. (Including book launches, he added.) One of the three authors also spoke of what the work had meant to them and how it fits into the long-term record.

The launch was well attended, and we were all pleased to see the end product successfully on its way.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Tribute08: The Doctor is out

Doc Lancaster regrets that he can't be at Tribute08. He writes -

Please give all my regards to all my old  friends. I have wonderful memories of my time with them. Feel free to pass on my email address to anybody interested.

Olly (Doc) Lancaster

So, here's his email address:

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Q & A: Kim's 'Charge!' and one round gunfire

In issue 137 of The New Zealand Gunner, it was asked (page 10) if the reputed firing of a 25-pdr after a formal dinner was fact or fiction. One of the culprits comes clean:

"I believe it was around 1955 that Maj Norm Mitchell ( BC CD Trg Bty) 'suggested' to Lts Murray Connor and Morrie Stanley that they fire a 25pdr blank after the 'Charge' which would follow the Toast during the dinner.
_____At an appropriate time, we excused ourselves from the dining table and went to collect the gun, which we had conveniently positioned, already hooked up to a Landrover.
_____Murray drove and we parked the gun directly outside the window which was behind the PMC/VIP area in the dining room.

_____I fired the gun at the correct time and we took off towards the sports field. In negotiating a sharp left turn, we nearly rolled but the vehicle and gun were eventually secreted for the night.
_____Any questions about this incident were referred to Maj Mitchell, a very respected man who wasn't easy to challenge."

Morrie Stanley

And an independent witness, Bob Kerslake, writes -
I was in Waiouru at the time and a blank was fired.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Sub-prime, sub-primate and Iraq

The Australian newspaper turns out some humorous animated cartoons; in this one, Paul Keating gives his pithy analysis of George Bush, Iraq and the Stock Market fallout. Vintage Keating.

Copy and paste this link into your browser address bar:,25199,8,00.html

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Joe's Progess

Salutations to All

Joe has now been moved to Redcliffe Hospital. He does not have a bedside phone there.

Have this evening spoken with Marina. They are hopeful that on Tues after he has seen the Doctor that he will be able to come home.

We can only wish Joe the very best.


Brian Jerry Meyer

Friday, March 21, 2008

Shay Bassett on tour in Timor - Read all about it!

Shay is this week's 'Page 5 Man' in today's North Shore Times, and he looks Hot! Well, it is the tropics, after all.

To read the story, copy and paste the web page address into your browser.
After gazing at the awesome photo, scroll down to see the text.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Joe Fallon, Part 4

I spoke to Joe this morning. He seemed to be bright and cheery despite his ordeal. He has had many phone calls from his mates and has enjoyed the contact. It should be noted that his mastery of the Queen's English has not improved much. Must be the haggis!!!


Bill Godfrey

More on Joe Fallon

I have spoken with Jock Fallon this past hour and he says he is fit and well and if we only had that damn "choofer" we carted round he could have a cup of char on the hour every hour and that would fix him!

Brian Edmonds

Those miniatures: Pt 2

From Willy Walker:

. . . up until 1975 one was only issued the fullsize medal free of charge, mini's had to be purchased. In those days a miniature for the Brit GSMs - Korea,Vietnam - were relatively cheap at 2-3 dollars. Any retrospective awards for campaigns before 1975 - NZGSM Malaya (60-64), NZGSM Korea (54-57), for instance - one had to buy the miniatures. The cost has risen somewhat over the years . . .

The $30 paid by the Korean Vet would not be for a single miniature - possibly two depending on which medals they were.

[So the conclusion seems to be that there is nothing new in expecting VN Vets to pay for their miniature GSM.]

About those miniatures - Pt 1

The story so far has been that VN vets are the first to be required to pay for their miniatures, BUT -

Tell 'em not to gripe!
K force paid $30 for theirs in 2003.
16Fd never got a parade home either.
We all came home from Aussie in dribs and drabs.
I climbed off the plane at Whenuapai, no welcoming party, got in my parents' car and went home. That's it. (Back at work the next day)

The lost soldiers of Fromelle

Our Australian cousins have just launched a website to press for the discovery and recovery of men who died in the Battle of Fromelle, WW1. The website is a discussion forum - you can view it at

Joe Fallon rallies, wants to hear from mates

From Murray Broomhall:

I visited Joe [Wednesday] morning, Marina and their son were there. Joe is very frail he is on a drip and NIL BY MOUTH. He has recovered well from the operation but he has pneumonia. Marina told me that they will transfer him back to Redcliffe hospital once they are sure that they have the pneumonia under control.

_____I chatted for a while and he was quite bright and was over the moon that Mike Gilhooly had phoned him last night to wish him well. I think that he would appreciate calls from his old gunner mates. He is in room 36 ward 9A North at Royal Brisbane. He has a phone in his room and can take calls. The hospital number is ++ 617 3636 8111.
_____Could you circulate this on the [RNZA Assn] and Gunners email lists so that it gets the widest possible circulation.

Regards Murray

Tribute08: Among our guests

I arrived in Nui Dat around April 1966 and for most of my time in [103 Field] Battery [RAA], I was an Ammo Number. Our battery position was alongside your 161 Bty until it was moved to its new position overlooking Luscombe Airstrip about 3 months before we came home. At that time I was placed on a gun - which one I simply can't remember.
_____On our return to Oz, our battery became 103 Medium Bty. I only stayed in the battery for another 12-14 months. I did a transfer to RAEME and was trained as an Aircraft Airframe/Engine Fitter, working on both fixed and rotary wing aircraft. I discharged from the army in Feb 1986.
_____I am now retired and loving it. My wife, Elwyn, and I are flying to Christchurch on 01 April to start our holiday. We intend to tour the South Island in a motor home till the end of Apr, then move to the Nth Island and continue our motor home travels until the reunion* in Wellington. We have booked into the James Cook Hotel for the duration of that weekend, and will be flying back home on 02 Jun. We are looking forward to meeting you and being part of the reunion*._____

Stephen & Elwyn Randall

Anyone wanting to offer hospitality along the way, can contact Stephen on ++
613 9308 2464, or email him at before the end of March - then they're on the road.

Tribute08, the Apology: Clarification

Because of the sometimes strong feeling about the 'Government Apology' and its timing, I asked for clarification:
  • The formal Parliamentary Apology is NOT being offered during Tribute08 but rather several weeks earlier in Parliament. This is to ensure that it is entered into Hansard and that all parliamentary political parties have an opportunity to speak in support* of the Apology.
  • During Tribute08 there will be a separate NZDF Apology offered by CDF during the Commemoration event at the Basin Reserve.
* [or otherwise, presumably,]

Mike Dakin


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Joe Fallon: Correction

I have just spoken to Marina. She seems to be holding up but Joe is not too good. The phone number as posted on the "Muzzle Flashes" is incorrect. It should read ++617 3284 2212


Mike Gillooly

Monday, March 17, 2008

Joe improved but critical

Salutations All

Have this evening spoken with Marina

Joe has improved. He is now lucid but is a long way from out of the woods yet.

Marina asked me to pass on their home phone number. Vets have been trying the Royal Brisbane hospital but they will not pass on info. Joe & Marina's number is ++617 3284 2212


Brian Jerry Meyer

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Joe Fallon is in hospital


Brian Joe is in Royal Brisbane very ill, he has a tumour in the adrenal gland. We spent all day with him on Saturday as he had pneumonia in the left lung and they warned us he would not survive the night. Joe did pull through but his time is limited. They removed the spleen as it was bleeding but the tumour could not be operated on. They hope to try chemo therapy but whether he will be strong enough we don't know.


Marina Fallon . . . . .

Our thoughts are with Joe, Marina and family

Saturday, March 15, 2008

HUSKY CHUCK aka PISTOL GRIP calls from the US of A

Dear Kiwi Mates:
Isn't the world wide web amazing. I was just thinking about the "football" game we had on the field near the Seldom Inn. Ron Williams, Grant Box and all the rest. My US Battery, C Battery, 2-35th Field Artillery, was stationed with the ANZUS task force circa October, 1969 through Spring 1970, although I left my battery when I was promoted to Captain in March.
_____Anyway, I enjoyed many of the pictures on your web site. I would love to exchange some email with my old Nui Dat mates if you have any contact with them.
_____My name is Gary Gardenhire, I was the Charlie Battery's FDO and then XO at the time. I became a lawyer after leaving the Army in 1971 and live in Norman, Oklahoma, the home of the University of Oklahoma. I stayed in the Army Reserves and retired as a Colonel. I was last on active duty mobilizing reserve components for Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003.
_____If any of these fellows are around, tell them you've had contact from "Husky Chuck" --- they'll know what that means; or, from "Pistol Grip" call sign.
Hope to hear from you.
Gary Gardenhire
PS: After I sent that email, I discovered your "In Memoriam" page and was sad to see the names of Ray Williamson and Allistair Ross, both good friends. Fortunately, I saw no other names I knew.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Today's whisper

Could be the GSM (Vietnam) miniature will be issued without charge - as have all previous miniatures. Watch this space . . .

Who fired first?

Tony Mirarchi asks:
What was the first cannon to fire a complete round (warhead, case, powder and primer) all in one, similar to the modern 105mm? My research comes up with the Hotchkiss 1.65, approximately 42mm. Is there anything older?
If you can help, contact Tony at <>.

Freedom comes at a price

The price of freedom of religion, or of speech, or of the press, is that we must put up with a good deal of rubbish.
Robert Jackson

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting

to be held at

Papakura RSA, 40 Elliot Street, Papakura


1130 hrs, Thursday, 24 April 2008

The sole item on the Agenda is:

'To consider a proposal to affiliate with RNZRSA'.

Proposed by Rod Baldwin, seconded by Graeme Black

(and proudly supported by your committee)

RNZRSA is leading all veteran groups as they take part in the review of VANZ, War Pensions Services, the War Pensions Act (1954), examine concerns about the welfare and health of today's veterans, and prepare the way for those who are yet to come.
-----Rod is EVSAs representative at the consultative meetings, and he recommends the RNZAA takes part too. If we are serious about our Association's objectives – specifically, being the Gunners' primary voice, and the welfare of present and future Gunners – we ought to be there. We can only do that through affiliating with RNZRSA.
-----Your committee, at its meeting on 28 February, decided to support the move for affiliation.

Many members will not be able to make the time or place of the meeting. So that the President has a feel for what you think, let Denis know at but only if you cannot be there, please. If you have no email access, write or phone me, as above.

Any questions?
Let me have them - if you must!

Mike Dakin


Tribute08: Comment from Ian Beker

When making my decision on whether to have the medal sent in the mail or presented at Tribute 08, I rang my BC (John Masters) to check if he was going to go. He said he was if his health would allow. That decided me to then ask for it to be presented as I agree with Wayne that getting it from my BC has much more meaning for me than anyone else (other than the mailman).
---I did not attend parade 98 (wasn’t interested as it was not an “official event”) but did enjoy the 161 Battery Re-union in Palmerston North and am looking forward to meeting up with some of the team again.

Ian Beker

Tribute08: Brian Jerry Meyer on miniatures

I more than likely will go with quality [accept presentation] though I only get the clasp as I already have the medal.
---But here is the joke. When I was issued with the medal 4/5 years back we were issued with the miniature. Now you are having to pay for it, talk about penny pinching. That from a government that had a 8/9 billion dollar surplus last year and predicted, I believe, to be even higher this current year.
---That surplus per head of population would have to be one of the highest in the Western World. Australia here would have to have a surplus of about 45 billion to be on a par; in fact, they had about 14 billion and they are over-taxed.
---If I want the clasp for the miniature I will have to pay $9 for it. [$17 for the complete miniature.] If they had one less politician in the parliament* that would pay for them many times over. [*Not to mention the upcoming junkets.]

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

That's progress for you . . .

If the automobile had followed the same development cycle as the computer, a Rolls-Royce would today cost $100, get a million miles per gallon, and explode once a year, killing everyone inside.
Robert X. Cringely

Tribute08: Comment from Wayne Anker

I've followed the Tribute 08 discussion with some interest. I have registered to attend, and without doubt the main focus of my attention will be the ability to reunite over a few drinks. As we did in 2005. As far as medal presentation goes, it would mean a hell of a lot more to me to have the medal pinned on by my Battery Commander, rather than CDF.
Cheers, Wayne

Monday, March 10, 2008

Missing medic found - safe and well?

Les Pye finds another 16 Fd medic

203504 Ernest J Berry, PO Box 272 Picton, Marlborough, Medic RNZA 162 Bty.

Tribute08: A discussion - circus or reunion?

First, John wrote:
"I have a question re proposed medal GSM (Vietnam) presentations (by choice) at Tribute 08 by sub units. Have you got a feel for what most are going to do amongst the gunners? I have actually asked for mine to be mailed to me but am now having second thoughts as an en masse presentatuon might be good for us all."

And Mike added:
Now's a good time to let me have your spontaneous thoughts.

(. . . and quite a few people did just that.)

Then Terry (among others) replied:
Those I have spoken to think that, to ensure a formal apology took place, the only acceptable way for the honours (medallic) to be presented to us would be by the Chief of Defence, NZ Defence Forces at a formal parade of all Vietnam vets together. This would have been the most honorable way to address the past. However It seems to me by the feed back that this has been watered down to unit responsibility - not good enough. Most I have spoken to, including myself, will not be attending the so called Whakanoa. [It] does not achieve what the submission process asked for by the majority. Sorry but the whole thing's a jack up to ensure that it looks like a genuine case of sorry from government, a political stunt with RNZRSA support.
The MoU like the Whakanoa format does not address the past issues and has the hallmarks of Parade '98. In fact ask a Maori what Whakanoa means it might surprise you, as the interpretation means absolutely stuff all and is as broad as the vets' shoulders who have been carrying the past legacy for the last 40 or so years and will continue to.
The financial cost for this weekend is totally offensive, I ask why do we pay a registration fee? [Official answers are at, copy/paste, scroll down.] Other things such as a concert etc was proven to be a disaster at Parade 98, all vets want to do is have a social drink and a laugh, music kills this because of our hearing disabilities.
The recent trip to Vietnam showed that more concerns was made about the Vietnamese plight than our own. Where did the money come from for the so called Vietnamese Scholarships??
[ . . . . . . . . ]
Once again my medal will turn up in a cardboard box, and the sorry past will be carried in that box forever. Sorry Mike, but this is how a lot of us feel.
So Mike wrote back:
I understand your point of view and share some of your misgivings - but not all. And I know that others share your views, some even more strongly. My personal concern is for the Gunners and other VN Vets who couldn't raise enough money to get there by themselves, let alone with family.

I will be there myself as I couldn't get to Parade 98 (VN health issues) and I actually don't give a stuff about the Govt's part in the event. My main interest, setting aside all the public circus of the weekend, is that there really is a 161 Bty Reunion Sat pm/night and that alone is worth going for.

Terry closed with:
I respect your views and like yourself am more than concerned as to the result of some issues. Democracy is about choices and that we have the right to do what we feel, that is our right.

Best of luck for Wgtn. I did attend the Bty Reunion in Palmy thoroughly enjoyed it. Unfortunately most of the guys I know can't attend for health reasons and the cost associated with such, especially those in OZ. [ . . . ] You are right about the Govt participation, I don't know of any who care if they are there or not,what would have been nice to have the Military attend and participate in the presentation that I mentioned before. Imagine the self esteem that would have arisen with the GSM (Vietnam) medal being presented by CDF or someone with similar rank. This would have been more than those who have been involved over the last 40 years would expect.

The Burnt Hills of Wales

I'm not really good at keeping up with things military these days but I am enjoying the blog - perhaps as I get older and have more time to think about things I will take more interest. I don't know if I can be of any use but I have been a member of the Veterans' Review Board here for 10 years or so (first tier appeals from decisions refusing service disability pensions or increases in pensions) so I am across that topic big time. Can't make the Tribute stuff - my RMC Class (1963 for goodness sake) is having its 45th reunion in Wellington in early December and I'll make that then go south to the family farm for Christmas. We live in the hills behind Adelaide and would love to see and accomodate known old soldiers passing through.
Kind regards,
Tony Wales

Tony, it's great to hear from you, and to catch up with your life.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Found: the medics with 16 Fd Regt in Korea

Thanks for the help in identifying some of the medics who were with the Regt in Korea.

The original RMO was Capt (Doc/Pills) Martin. Others were Capts JG Walkinshaw, Campbell, RA Wilson. Some of the RAP staff were Reg Benyon, Ian Kinnaird, Selwyn Long, Harold Smith, John Neems, Tom Lester, Peter McDavitt and Peter Callaway (Hygiene NCO).

Please pass on my appreciation to those who answered my request.

Ken and Pam Treanor
Christchurch, New Zealand
The Garden City

Thursday, March 6, 2008

FAQs for Tribute08

The FAQs for Tribute08 are online and accessible at
(Copy and paste in your browser address bar)

The FAQs will be updated from time to time.

The info that's of practical use right now is further down the web page, so just keep reading . . .

If you can't find your answer, send an email to
Tribute08 Event Management - - they'll see you right!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

NZ Soldier on ANZAC Bridge - Sun 27 Apr 08

Warning Order (From Greg, via Brian Meyer)

Please be advised that the unveiling of the NZ Soldier on ANZAC Bridge has been confirmed for Sunday 27 April 2008. However, the specific details are yet to be finalised e.g. time, whether there will be any restrictions for numbers attending etc. Will let you know more details as they arise but I am thinking that it would be a morning ceremony as this is when the bridge has less traffic and therefore less disruption to the public.

Nevertheless, it will be a very busy but significant few days as we sell ANZAC Badges on the mornings of Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th at 0630 at Martin Place Station (for those who can assist), ANZAC Day Dawn Service and March on Friday 25th and the NZ Soldier on Sunday 27th.

Hope to see you at both the ANZAC Day march and NZ Soldier.



Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Pappy Patchin, on ANZAC Day

How I'd love to be a part of the ANZAC Day ceremonies with you, however I am separated by too many miles. I will be participating in my own small manner to render honour to all the fallen from the Southern Hemisphere.


Edward Loffley, Spa Hotel - can you help?

On a recent visit to Taupo we visited the museum and were pleased to find a photograph of my wife's great grandfather Edward Loffley.
Subsequently we visited your website and read a short history of the association,'Taupo and the Spa Hotel' in which Edward Loffley is mentioned extensively.
Little is known of his history before this time, it is said that he survived the wreck of the ORPHEUS but we have checked the passenger lists and can find no record of this.
If any of your members can assist with more details on his life it would be hugely appreciated by our family athough we realise it it may be a big ask.

Kind Regards
Lloyd and Kathryn Dalton

Ph 07 3488603 wk
07 3325836 hm

Monday, March 3, 2008

New puzzle on our website

Hello everyone,

I have added another puzzle to the website. It involves matching tac signs in the old-fashioned memory game.



Sunday, March 2, 2008

Pat McInerney: a note from across The Ditch

Hi all,

Just to let you know that I have moved into my new flat - a rented 3 bedroom place on the top floor of a low-rise block in Yeronga. My mailing address is Unit 6, 5 Christensen Street, Yeronga, 4104 Queensland. The rent is pretty dear, for what you get, but it's a nice place, recently refurbished and it's only one and half km to work. The biggest benefit is the 90 minutes of commute time I will get back! Once my computer arrives from NZ I will post some some photos on my Myspace site [see below].

Work has been pretty hectic, with the National Operations Manager unexpectedly passing away the Friday before last: he was only 58 but a heavy smoker. In the short time I have been there I had established a good working relationship with him, and had hoped to have him mentor me through the wage bargaining round with the union. His death - a stroke, I think - came as a shock to everyone, for its suddenness, and gave everyone pause for thought about their own mortality.

Margaret and I had been scheduled to go to Sydney and Melbourne for a conference on the Monday, and on the advice of the GM we carried on with that plan, arriving back on Wednesday night. The plant was closed on the Thursday, with most people attending the funeral.

Over the next couple of weeks I have to deliver a presentation on bullying and harassment to a conference in Melbourne, get into the next round of the wage talks with the union, attend a mandatory driver training session on the skid pad out at Mt Cotton, organise business visas for a couple of visitors from Russia and prepare for the selection of a new Operations Manager . . . good stuff!

On the leisure front not a lot happening except that I will be pretty much off line for the next couple of weeks until I get my phone and internet connection sorted out, which I won't do until my gear arrives from NZ. Still, it's good to have a tv that gets decent reception, and a good sized bed - I can sleep like a starfish again!

Also, my work email address is

All for now folks!

Regards, Pat

Pat McInerney ++614 1667 2189

Check out my website at:

Lt Ralph Dorchel Doughty MC

This a must! Go to to read Peter Kivell's factual account of his Great-great-uncle's WW1 experiences from early April 1915 to July 1917, when he died of wounds. Based on five of Ralph's personal diaries, it is an absorbing account and a credit to Peter Kivell.
Very timely, with ANZAC Day close by.