Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Tribute08: Brian Jerry Meyer on miniatures

I more than likely will go with quality [accept presentation] though I only get the clasp as I already have the medal.
---But here is the joke. When I was issued with the medal 4/5 years back we were issued with the miniature. Now you are having to pay for it, talk about penny pinching. That from a government that had a 8/9 billion dollar surplus last year and predicted, I believe, to be even higher this current year.
---That surplus per head of population would have to be one of the highest in the Western World. Australia here would have to have a surplus of about 45 billion to be on a par; in fact, they had about 14 billion and they are over-taxed.
---If I want the clasp for the miniature I will have to pay $9 for it. [$17 for the complete miniature.] If they had one less politician in the parliament* that would pay for them many times over. [*Not to mention the upcoming junkets.]

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