Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting

to be held at

Papakura RSA, 40 Elliot Street, Papakura


1130 hrs, Thursday, 24 April 2008

The sole item on the Agenda is:

'To consider a proposal to affiliate with RNZRSA'.

Proposed by Rod Baldwin, seconded by Graeme Black

(and proudly supported by your committee)

RNZRSA is leading all veteran groups as they take part in the review of VANZ, War Pensions Services, the War Pensions Act (1954), examine concerns about the welfare and health of today's veterans, and prepare the way for those who are yet to come.
-----Rod is EVSAs representative at the consultative meetings, and he recommends the RNZAA takes part too. If we are serious about our Association's objectives – specifically, being the Gunners' primary voice, and the welfare of present and future Gunners – we ought to be there. We can only do that through affiliating with RNZRSA.
-----Your committee, at its meeting on 28 February, decided to support the move for affiliation.

Many members will not be able to make the time or place of the meeting. So that the President has a feel for what you think, let Denis know at but only if you cannot be there, please. If you have no email access, write or phone me, as above.

Any questions?
Let me have them - if you must!

Mike Dakin


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