Monday, March 10, 2008

The Burnt Hills of Wales

I'm not really good at keeping up with things military these days but I am enjoying the blog - perhaps as I get older and have more time to think about things I will take more interest. I don't know if I can be of any use but I have been a member of the Veterans' Review Board here for 10 years or so (first tier appeals from decisions refusing service disability pensions or increases in pensions) so I am across that topic big time. Can't make the Tribute stuff - my RMC Class (1963 for goodness sake) is having its 45th reunion in Wellington in early December and I'll make that then go south to the family farm for Christmas. We live in the hills behind Adelaide and would love to see and accomodate known old soldiers passing through.
Kind regards,
Tony Wales

Tony, it's great to hear from you, and to catch up with your life.

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