Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Joe Fallon rallies, wants to hear from mates

From Murray Broomhall:

I visited Joe [Wednesday] morning, Marina and their son were there. Joe is very frail he is on a drip and NIL BY MOUTH. He has recovered well from the operation but he has pneumonia. Marina told me that they will transfer him back to Redcliffe hospital once they are sure that they have the pneumonia under control.

_____I chatted for a while and he was quite bright and was over the moon that Mike Gilhooly had phoned him last night to wish him well. I think that he would appreciate calls from his old gunner mates. He is in room 36 ward 9A North at Royal Brisbane. He has a phone in his room and can take calls. The hospital number is ++ 617 3636 8111.
_____Could you circulate this on the [RNZA Assn] and Gunners email lists so that it gets the widest possible circulation.

Regards Murray

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