Monday, March 10, 2008

Tribute08: A discussion - circus or reunion?

First, John wrote:
"I have a question re proposed medal GSM (Vietnam) presentations (by choice) at Tribute 08 by sub units. Have you got a feel for what most are going to do amongst the gunners? I have actually asked for mine to be mailed to me but am now having second thoughts as an en masse presentatuon might be good for us all."

And Mike added:
Now's a good time to let me have your spontaneous thoughts.

(. . . and quite a few people did just that.)

Then Terry (among others) replied:
Those I have spoken to think that, to ensure a formal apology took place, the only acceptable way for the honours (medallic) to be presented to us would be by the Chief of Defence, NZ Defence Forces at a formal parade of all Vietnam vets together. This would have been the most honorable way to address the past. However It seems to me by the feed back that this has been watered down to unit responsibility - not good enough. Most I have spoken to, including myself, will not be attending the so called Whakanoa. [It] does not achieve what the submission process asked for by the majority. Sorry but the whole thing's a jack up to ensure that it looks like a genuine case of sorry from government, a political stunt with RNZRSA support.
The MoU like the Whakanoa format does not address the past issues and has the hallmarks of Parade '98. In fact ask a Maori what Whakanoa means it might surprise you, as the interpretation means absolutely stuff all and is as broad as the vets' shoulders who have been carrying the past legacy for the last 40 or so years and will continue to.
The financial cost for this weekend is totally offensive, I ask why do we pay a registration fee? [Official answers are at, copy/paste, scroll down.] Other things such as a concert etc was proven to be a disaster at Parade 98, all vets want to do is have a social drink and a laugh, music kills this because of our hearing disabilities.
The recent trip to Vietnam showed that more concerns was made about the Vietnamese plight than our own. Where did the money come from for the so called Vietnamese Scholarships??
[ . . . . . . . . ]
Once again my medal will turn up in a cardboard box, and the sorry past will be carried in that box forever. Sorry Mike, but this is how a lot of us feel.
So Mike wrote back:
I understand your point of view and share some of your misgivings - but not all. And I know that others share your views, some even more strongly. My personal concern is for the Gunners and other VN Vets who couldn't raise enough money to get there by themselves, let alone with family.

I will be there myself as I couldn't get to Parade 98 (VN health issues) and I actually don't give a stuff about the Govt's part in the event. My main interest, setting aside all the public circus of the weekend, is that there really is a 161 Bty Reunion Sat pm/night and that alone is worth going for.

Terry closed with:
I respect your views and like yourself am more than concerned as to the result of some issues. Democracy is about choices and that we have the right to do what we feel, that is our right.

Best of luck for Wgtn. I did attend the Bty Reunion in Palmy thoroughly enjoyed it. Unfortunately most of the guys I know can't attend for health reasons and the cost associated with such, especially those in OZ. [ . . . ] You are right about the Govt participation, I don't know of any who care if they are there or not,what would have been nice to have the Military attend and participate in the presentation that I mentioned before. Imagine the self esteem that would have arisen with the GSM (Vietnam) medal being presented by CDF or someone with similar rank. This would have been more than those who have been involved over the last 40 years would expect.

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