Thursday, March 27, 2008

'The Gunners' take post!

The latest landmark in the RNZA's history, The Gunners, was launched on the open market, in Auckland today. Brig Graham Birch, our Colonel Commandant began the day promoting the book on NewsTalk ZB with Paul Holmes, and the day ended with the official function in The Armoury at the Auckland War Memorial Museum.

Brig Birch spoke of the proud record of the RNZA, from its roots to the present day. He commended all who contributed, even in a small way, to the finished work. He was followed by Lt Col Nick Gillard, CO 16 Field Regiment, who explained the diverse role of the Regiment today, and the many different tasks it is called on to perform in a professional way. (Including book launches, he added.) One of the three authors also spoke of what the work had meant to them and how it fits into the long-term record.

The launch was well attended, and we were all pleased to see the end product successfully on its way.

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