Sunday, March 2, 2008

Pat McInerney: a note from across The Ditch

Hi all,

Just to let you know that I have moved into my new flat - a rented 3 bedroom place on the top floor of a low-rise block in Yeronga. My mailing address is Unit 6, 5 Christensen Street, Yeronga, 4104 Queensland. The rent is pretty dear, for what you get, but it's a nice place, recently refurbished and it's only one and half km to work. The biggest benefit is the 90 minutes of commute time I will get back! Once my computer arrives from NZ I will post some some photos on my Myspace site [see below].

Work has been pretty hectic, with the National Operations Manager unexpectedly passing away the Friday before last: he was only 58 but a heavy smoker. In the short time I have been there I had established a good working relationship with him, and had hoped to have him mentor me through the wage bargaining round with the union. His death - a stroke, I think - came as a shock to everyone, for its suddenness, and gave everyone pause for thought about their own mortality.

Margaret and I had been scheduled to go to Sydney and Melbourne for a conference on the Monday, and on the advice of the GM we carried on with that plan, arriving back on Wednesday night. The plant was closed on the Thursday, with most people attending the funeral.

Over the next couple of weeks I have to deliver a presentation on bullying and harassment to a conference in Melbourne, get into the next round of the wage talks with the union, attend a mandatory driver training session on the skid pad out at Mt Cotton, organise business visas for a couple of visitors from Russia and prepare for the selection of a new Operations Manager . . . good stuff!

On the leisure front not a lot happening except that I will be pretty much off line for the next couple of weeks until I get my phone and internet connection sorted out, which I won't do until my gear arrives from NZ. Still, it's good to have a tv that gets decent reception, and a good sized bed - I can sleep like a starfish again!

Also, my work email address is

All for now folks!

Regards, Pat

Pat McInerney ++614 1667 2189

Check out my website at:

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