Monday, June 30, 2008

Pat Nixey's funeral

Pat's funeral will be on Thursday 3 July at 10.00 am at Lambert Fountains, followed by food and drink at the RSA. Pat is being taken to her home today, Tuesday, at 4.00pm, so if you wish to say your goodbyes there, that is where she will be.
Trish Heikoop

22A Ayr Road
(09) 5774306 / 0272410841

Joseph Walter Ludlow, 1855-1916

I have attached a photo sent to me of my great grandfather Joseph Walter Ludlow 1855–1916.

-----I have been puzzling over the uniform for some time and on inspection of the cap I can make out “........nd Artillery”
-----I at first thought it was Auckland, but have had no luck searching. When I search New Zealand Artillery however I come up with your site.
-----He looks to be older here, perhaps mid 40’s, so looking around early 1900s.
-----I also have a similar photo of him in uniform, although you cannot make out insignia, of him as a young man taken 1894/95.
-----Are there records for the NZ Artillery that I could check to see if he was part of the Royal NZ Artillery.

Cheers, Jim

Jim Callaghan

Phone: (09) 4375593

Viet Nam Vets' tour

A fully guided tour of Viet Nam is on offer, departing November 2008. The tour and brouchure were put together in conjunction with the Vets' Government apology and celebrations in May.
-----I would be grateful if you could help getting the brouchure out to anybody that maybe interested in travelling to Viet Nam.
-----The tour will be escorted by former Vietnam Vet Colonel Ross Milne. Look through the itinerary at

Kevin Payne, The Travel Practice, 3 Birmingham Drive, Middleton, Christchurch 8024, New Zealand
Tel 0064 3 961 0630 --- Fax 0064 3 961 0631

Newly arrived: Capt (Rtd) P B A Williams

Peter Williams joined the RF in 1950 as a cadet in the Allen Class, then served the guns until discharged in 1956. He joined the TF in 1960, in 4 Med Regt as a Bdr. Peter was commissioned in 1961 and served until 1969 when he was posted to the Reserve with the rank of Captain.
-----Outside his life in the Army, Peter has worked as a school teacher for four years but, since 1961, he followed a career in the Probation Service until he retired in 1996 as District Probation Officer, North Shore, Takapuna.

Peter and Eleanor live in Royal Oak, Auckland

Sunday, June 29, 2008

RIP: Pat Nixey

Hi . . . more bad news. I've just been told that Pat Nixey wife of the late Alan Nixey has passed away this morning. I know this will be of interest to our members as Pat was well known in the Military circle, especially for her work with EVSA.

Sorry to be the bearer of sad news.

Don Potter

Peter 'Doggo' Downes

Had a ring from Bruce Mckenzie, Bundaberg, (161 Bty, 1966, L.A.D RNZEME) tonight telling me that Peter Downes (Doggo) is not well. Doggo's cell phone number is Australia ++614 1820 3919 - call or text him


Don Potter

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Flags flying, drums beating, and more

Today I went to the Reserve Forces Day Parade here in IPSWICH. Also there was Maj Graham Roch ED who was BC 22 Bty then BC 4 Mdm Bty in the late 70s and 80s. Graham was BC when the last round was fired at Annual Camp in WAIOURU in either 86 or 87. The No1 was the late Sgt Butch Lucas. Our Patron, Colonel Don, was Col Comdt at the time and was also present.

Back to the band:
They gave their usual very high standard performance at both the parade and later in a local shopping centre. There in conjunction with the local Amberley Brass Band they entertained the lunchtime crowd for an hour and a half.
-----Many would remember Doug Rose who replaced Dave Lawrence as Cadre NCO for the Band at 16 Fd Regt in the early 80s. He is now in the TF and still playing with the Band
-----They are tomorrow Sun to lead the Reserve Forces Day March through BRISBANE, though we in our small NEW ZEALAND Contingent will be well back in the Order of March
-----Incidentally Graham Roch was telling me today that the first time the March was held in SYDNEY 10 years ago he marched with the SM of As of both the NEW ZEALAND Army and the AUSTRALIAN Army on either side of him
-----We do our best to keep the NEW ZEALAND Flag flying at the many Commemorative Services which are relevant also to NEW ZEALAND
-----Having the Band and other visits from NEW ZEALAND helps tremendously


Brian Jerry Meyer


Yes, yet another reminder that the RNZA Association and the RNZA band both urgently require honorary auditors. This is not an onerous task, but it must be done.

Can you yourself help - or can you someone contact for us?

Mike Dakin, Sec,
Bob Davis, Sec, RNZA Band Assn,

The RNZA Band scores again

News from Ipswich (Qld)

Today (Sat 28 Jun) I attended the Reserve Forces Day Recognition Ceremony here in Ipswich and was delighted to meet up with Brian & Linda Meyer. A simple but moving ceremony with the RNZA Band adding to the occasion. It was great seeing "ye olde Lemon Squeezers" again! After the Service our Mayor, Councillor Paul Pisasale, hosted a delightful morning tea. for all attendees the Arty Band again entertained us with some well-known "military" tunes.
-----Before the commencement of the Ceremony, the Artillery Band had entertained us - it was wonderful hearing their rendition of Maori Battalion and everyone chuckled when the players sang Oooh-Aaah! The Band later played at a concert at the Riverlink Shopping Complex.
-----I do so enjoy reading the regular Muzzle Flashes - keep up the great work!

Kindest regards - UBIQUE

Graham Roch
One time BC of 22(D) and 4(G) Mdm Batteries

Mac Wells . . . this is Alfie Tarawa, mate

I'm just reading thru the Balmoral and Coral ops - if anyone knows about Mac Wells, would that be the Maori boy who was in Nam and a sig, then my name is Alfie Tarawa. I would like to make contact if possible; I was an operator with Russ Martin and I had photos taken at Fire Support Base with Clarence Ormsby.
-----I was the sig op that was blown up in the apc at Baria on the first day of the Tet, but Mac Wells and I went to Nam together and I would dearly love to make contact - I might just roll up in November. I will be in NZ then, and if someone could help I would appreciate it thanks.

Alfie Tarawa

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Veterans' Health Management Service Auckland

The Auckland RSA's health management and discussion group for vets is on again at 1330 hrs next Thursday, 03 July, at the Ranfurly Veterans' Centre Recreation Hall, Warren Ave entrance. This is always good value; you will learn something useful to you, and also be able to ask questions or give your point of view.
-----This month, Ranfurly's Dr Tony Hay discusses medication for anxiety, depression and PTSD, as well as osteoarthritis in joints and common back problems, and how to treat them.
-----Spouses and partners are always welcome to attend with you.

Any questions? Phone Margaret Burke on 09 624 0064. Margaret is Auckland RSA's Manager, Support Services (Pension Advocacy, Health & Welfare). And she's goood!

Going, going, . . .

Yes, I'm going off for a month to the UK to visit the half of my family that lives in Kent.
-----The Q Store in particular will be closed for the duration, but email and Muzzle Flashes will be uninterrupted within reason.
-----Departing 4 July, returning 4 August but I'll be hard to pin down for the first half of August as I have some personal commitments.

Cheers, Mike

Reunion report: Battles of Coral and Balmoral

Neil Bradley has sent a well-written account of the May 2008 reunion of vets who were caught up in the 1968 Viet Nam battles for 'Coral' and 'Balmoral'.

You can read it all at

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

New members admitted

We have had a welcome influx of new members since the last committee meeting on 24 April. At its meeting on 24 June, the committee accepted membership applications from 26 people:
Full membership
Ross Andrews, Wayne Anker, David Collins, Graham Dallas, Pete Dawson, Bruce Elder, Neville Everest, Matiu Hotere, Dave Kelsey, Trevor 'Dino' Martin, Danny McCort, Ray Middleton, Peter Miles, 'Archie' Moore, Tom Moore, David Pepper-Edwards, Trevor Pilcher, Leslie 'Rats' Rattray, Wayne Robson, Ted Shears, Robert Smith, Kevin Stone, Bob Wilson, Graeme Wilson.
Associate membership
Marina Fallon, Jock's widow; Craig Johnson, RNZASC att 161 Bty Viet Nam

You can read about each one in the next issue of The New Zealand Gunner, due out in two weeks' time.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Honorary auditor(s) wanted!

It's the end of the financial year for both the RNZA Association and the RNZA Band. Both organisations have Auckland-based accounts to be audited, so will 'someone' please put their hand up.
-----Or if you can tap 'someone' on the shoulder and point them in my direction, that will help greatly.
-----Good old 'someone' - what would get done without him, or her?


Monday, June 23, 2008

. . . and they're coming in strength

G'Day from Kim McGrath, President, Australian Artillery Association:

Check out our Australian Artillery Association website: and click on the Taupo Reunion ad for the Power Point presentation of our planned sojourn.
-----My particular mini-group will be travelling unaccompanied due to Timeshare accommodation. It sleeps six but will be a bit crowded - as long as I'm the only one snoring it will be OK.
-----I've never been to NZ before, although I was supposed to be posted to Waiouru for a few months back in the Eighties, therefore I/we intend to make a meal of it.
-----Your invitation mentions that it will be mixed functions so I am leaving it up to the individuals that wish to come over whether they bring wives/partners.


Sunday, June 22, 2008

Taupo Reunion, 7-9 Nov: The Aussies are coming!

From Kim McGrath, on the West Island:

My packet of Gunners is staying with me at the timeshare Taupo Ika Nui, but the plan is to leave Australia on the Thursday, then sack out at some reasonably priced hotel overnight in Auckland.
-----Friday morning, pick up a car or van for the week and proceed, at a leisurely rate, to Taupo stopping at Te Aroha for a beer with Mr. Smith? Then Rotorua and make Taupo with plenty of time to shake out and prepare for Friday night.
-----Saturday might just be a big sleep-in with Saturday night scheduled. I reckon that Sunday might also be a bit of a late morning.
-----Monday will be spent seeing the sights (Waiouru) and Tuesday should be another big day as it will be Armistice Day 11 Nov. Ergo Wednesday morning may be a quiet one.
-----Wednesday afternoon and Thursday spent taking in more local charms, with us bolting for Auckland on Friday - dumping our transport and departing the country before the constabulary and immigration catch up with us.
-----Sounds like a good plan? I looking forward to seeing 'Skin' Francis again, it has been two or three decades.


The Gunners' Perpetual Calendar

Hi to everyone

At Frank Hopkinson's suggestion (a good one) I'm preparing an on-line perpetual calendar to remind us of significant, recurring gunner dates and events.
-----Now, I could do that all by myself, but I'm a sharing/caring kind of guy and I just know you'd love to be involved. (That this would save me much personal time and effort doesn't enter into my thinking . . . yeah, right!)
-----Don't hesitate just because you think 'someone else' will contribute - they already think you will, so don't let me down! I'm relying on our collective memory and knowledge here, and I'll sort out any duplications where necessary.

  • Battles?
  • Anniversaries?
  • Significant events?
  • Anything else?

You can visit the embryo calendar (read-only) by clicking here:

Looking forward to a deluge of replies.

Cheers, Mike

An invitation to Te Aroha

'RB' Smith writes in from the very pleasant town of Te Aroha

I have recently taken over the position of President, Te Aroha RSA and I extend an invitation to all fellow Gunners to call in for a beer and a chat.

If I'm not in the bar I'm only a phone call away.


R. B. Smith (RB)

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Overdue subs - it's not good enough, chaps!

Mike has the Treasurer's hat on . . .

  • Our Association has about 340 members.
  • 55 of these are Life* or Honorary Members and pay no subs.
  • That leaves 285 subscribing members. 94 of these have not paid this year's sub. Five others have not paid for two or three years.
  • It means that 186 members are carrying the financial load.
  • Our sub income for this year should be around $5700, so you might share my concern when I say that, at the end of the financial year, we still have $2200 of that outstanding, with only $3500 in subs reaching the bank.
  • Subs and bank interest are our two main sources of income, so we need everyone to contribute through payment of subs to keep the Association solvent.

My thanks to all of you who have paid this year's sub, or brought your arrears up-to-date.

Does anyone else want to clear their account?

If you have a problem remembering to make a small payment each year, do as others do - pay for several years ahead, and you'll also stop these annoying reminders

* Under the new rules, no Life Members are appointed on an 'age' basis, so these 55 will reduce over the years.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Music to your ears in Brisbane

From Bob Davis, Secretary, RNZA Band:

The RNZA Band is off to Brisbane and Ipswich next week, to represent New Zealand at the 60th Anniversary of the Australian Reserve Forces. We shall be staying at RAAF Base Amberley, and undertaking a pretty full programme of events (not to mention rehearsals). It is the first time that the Band has travelled abroad since 1988 - by chance also to Brisbane for the World Expo.

We thought Aussie-based RNZA members might like to know where they can catch up with the Band:

  • June 26th - Arrive Brisbane/Amberley, approx 2100.
  • June 27th - Tri-Service Dinner/Ball, Riverside Rooms, Oxade Drive, New Farm, Brisbane; evening (ticket only).
  • June 28th - Short march, Wreath-laying Recognition Ceremony in RSL Memorial Park, Limestone Street, Ipswich 1000 hrs, followed by Civic Reception. Then into Brisbane with RAAF Amberley Band to play at Riverlink shopping mall (across lunch-time).
  • June 29th -- Leading the Reserve Forces 60th Anniversary Parade, Brisbane 1000 hrs, followed by Civic Reception.
  • June 30th - Rehearsal for joint concert with RAAF Amberley Band (evening)
  • July 1st ---- Wreath-laying Recognition Ceremony in Anzac Square, Brisbane 1700
  • July 3rd --- Joint Concert with RAAF Amberley Band at Ripley Community Church, Ipswich 1900 hrs
  • July 4th --- Concert at Cascades Gardens Retirement Village, Ipswich 1700 hrs
  • July 6th -- Fly home

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tribute08: Feedback from Ken McKee-Wright, NZSAS

I have been getting constant approving feed back. More important we have got our people getting more interested in themselves and what they can do to improve their own quality of life. They are talking again, and we can now help many who would not be helped before. This is also flowing onto their families and I have had some good contact with wives and children seeking more information. This time we have something to give them and so far it is all positive.
-----I have been following some of the vets' websites and they are very positive, and forward-looking with any dissenters being quickly squashed with “facts”. Speeches are being analysed and generally announced genuine and from the heart. (We hope that going forward that is the heart of New Zealand).
-----On the civilian side, NZer’s now appear to know what happened and talk about it with wonder, dismay and shame. I have had a lot of feed-back triggered by the radio broadcasts and newspaper articles around Auckland. My grandkids were asked to make a morning talk at school about the Tribute08. (They were more impressed with General Mateparae, his uniform, sword and medals than the Prime Minister who only got a passing mention). They said the veterans must have been missing their friends because they were crying. I thought that just about summed it up.

Thanks for that, Ken

Gunners in Iraq

From the June 2008 edition of Soldier - the magazine of the British Army, Frank Hopkinson clipped this report on artillery in Iraq:

"When coalition forces came under heavy attacks from insurgents in Iraq, the flames of the British Army gunners' 155mm AS90s proved to be the showstopper. [Image]
-----"Packed off from the gun lines on the Contingency Operating Base (COB) in Basra, a team from D Battery, 3rd Regiment Royal Horse Artillery, deployed north to Tallil. As well as delivering munitions back at the insurgents' door, the Gunners' 155mm self-propelled weapon,capable of firing 96lb (43.5kg) Nato HL15 projectiles over a range of 25km, also rapidly caught the attention of their coalition comrades."

Read more at:


We have three comrades in hospital at last report - but there may be some we don't know about.

Graham Williams (GPO, Kenning's Bty, 1965) is in Auckland Hospital after urgent surgery to remove a blockage from his throat - a malignant tumour. He is having radiation therapy each day, and goes home on Friday when his feeding tube is relocated. He expects to make a full recovery - I (Mike) spent an hour with him this morning and he is in very good spirits, although the liquid diet is not the kind he prefers. With a trach pipe in place, Graham has difficulty talking but he does text easily. Text him on 02102426577, or visit Ward 74, Room 11, 1100-1900 hrs.

Jeff Waters - Jeff is in Middlemore for a few days for a hernia op.

John Murray - John is not a gunner himself, but a good mate of gunners who served 'on foot' in Malaya. He is in palliative care in North Shore Hospital, where he was visited today by Joe Panoho and Billy Edwards.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tribute08: You asked, 'What about . . .?

The Tribute08 website has been updated, so take a look (

  • The list of those who registered is back, with updated individual Sub-unit lists.
  • The website’s ‘Photo Gallery’ has photos from different events throughout the weekend. These images can be downloaded free of charge – just follow the instructions on the website.
  • [Remember our pics from Jan and Kevin? Images of Tribute08]
  • Woolf Photography also have professional photos available for purchase. These can be viewed at
  • The ‘Media Centre’ has a number of releases and speeches, as well as examples of the extensive media coverage we received.
  • A merchandise order form will be available on the website by the end of July.

Further Follow-up

  • All who registered will soon be sent a follow-up letter or email with further information.
  • A special merchandise offer and order form will accompany the follow-up letter.
  • In late July, a pack containing such things as a DVD of Tribute08 highlights and SitRep 5 – After Action Report, will be sent out.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Tom Cole died 1997 - info anyone?

Greetings, I think I have already asked before about my dad Thomas (Tom) Cole being in the artillery, and I would like to be in touch with someone who could possibly give me information about him and where and when he served?
-----I am in the throes of sending for information to Trentham Personnel. Would really appreciate some contact please and would like to join . . . :-)
-----Des O'Connor or Arthur Paddison might have information about my dad. He died 1997 and his name is not on the memoriam but he may not have been a member?

In appreciation...

Kind regards.

Ms Lyn.D.Cole

Tribute photo(s) wanted, please

We're looking for at least one Tribute photo of the multi-national flag-bearing parade vanguard.

Can you help?

Saturday, June 14, 2008

An Aussie returns to Viet Nam: A fascinating report

I expected this to be 'just another story', but read it for yourself and you might find it riveting too.

An excerpt: ". . . was a VC Colonel with D445 and led the attack against the Australians at Long Tan (18 AUG 66) and during the battle was shot in the head, with the round entering his right cheek and exiting through the left side of his head. With that together with being on the receiving end of the artillery has resulted in him being profoundly deaf in his left ear. The man is also battle scarred from other encounters with the ATF."

Go to

Farewell to Joyce Bickerton

Marie Roberts, Editor of our newsletter, NZ Gunner, advises that Mrs Joyce Bickerton, wife of the late Eric Bickerton has passed away.

Her funeral is Monday 16 June at 11am, Lambert Fountain's memorial Chapel (next to RSA), Papakura.

Cards may be sent to Box 272 1218 Papakura 2244.

Joyce, a Life member of the Association, has kept in close touch since Eric passed away, often phoning in. If someone could be at her funeral for the Association, that would be a good deed.

Friday, June 13, 2008

A new home for the Royal Artillery

Here's an interesting article about Her Majesty opening the new home of the Royal Artillery at Larkhill. Go to

We have the latest model in the Q Store

Join the Q at the Store and you could look Qute too. Our great gear is made to look even better, modelled by Cherie de Marigny.

Imagine what it could do for you! (Well, maybe not that much.)

Visit the Q Store at

Changes at VANZ and WPS on 1 July 2008

Of course, you already know that VANZ becomes a one-stop shop for all veterans from 1 July on.

Follow the link to read some interesting Qs&As, lifted from the pages of Army News, 10 Jun 08.

'Never Trust an ANZAC'

Pete 'Banjo' Paterson, 1 RAR, penned a poem about 16 Field Regt RNZA in Korea

For a good yarn well told in rhyme, go to:

Pete was last known to be at Radio Staion 4KQ, Brisbane, but how long ago . . .? If anyone knows where he is now, contact

And, while we're on the 25-pdr, see the post below


A blast of a farewell for 25 Pdr

By Sgt Mick Johnston and Maj Leo Monkivitch
in 'Army' - the Australian soldier's newspaper
Contributed by Frank Hopkinson

AN ERA ended on August 12 [2004] with the last firing of the quick-firing 25-pounder gun (QF 25 Pdr). The Joint Proof and Experimental Unit from the Proof and Evaluation Establishment (PEE), Graytown, conducted the firing.
-----The British designed gun was produced in Australia and saw Australian Army service from 1940 to the 1960s in the fields of Libya, Borneo and Malaya. The M2A2 and the L5 Pack Howitzer replaced the QF 25 Pdr Gun in artillery service.
-----The gun served on as a proof and testing platform, used primarily for vertical recovery testing of fuses. A lack of ammunition, high maintenance effort and the decommissioning of the vertical recovery capability at Graytown meant that the weapon was no longer required to support proof and testing capabilities.
-----On the day, 10 rounds were fired – seven blanks and three High Explosive Substitute (HES) projectiles. Regimental Master Gunner of the RAA, WO1 Colin Watego, who attended the last 25 Pdr gun course held in Australia, rammed in the last round, which was fired by Greg Hall, who was retiring after 36 years. The day was used to farewell a number of long serving civilians as well as the gun system.
-----PEE Graytown is one of two proof ranges manned by Army and civilian staff and operated by Joint Logistic Command. Together with their headquarters in Sydney, they form the Joint Proof and Experimental Unit, which was raised in May this year. The other range is PEE Port Wakefield, which will soon celebrate its 75th birthday.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Charlotte gets a medal

Eight-year old Charlotte-Jane Irwin , granddaughter of our late comrade Cliff Chappell, accepted his GSM with clasp Vietnam from John Masters at the 161 Battery reunion during Tribute08. It was a touching moment for all who watched.

Photos at

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Q Store address and stock

You can check the Q Store stock at anytime now by going to A further link there will take you to a photo of what we have in store for you.

The Store proved very popular at Tribute08. We have only eleven jerseys left and, coincidentally, eleven 'Old Comrade' lapel pins.

Check it out.

Any (polite) suggestions will be welcomed.



Peter Paterson's poem appears on paper

Kerry Huston writes in . . .

I am ex-161 Bty, (1962-65) and for a time, was Battery Clerk at Papakura, among other roles…... I was cleaning out a locker one day in 1964 and found an original hand-written poem by an Australian (1 RAR) called Peter Paterson.
-----It is a very funny saga of the RAR in Korea and how they held the Kiwi gunners in high regard. The saga goes on about the Kiwis convincing an American Major that we had belt-fed 25-pounders that had been superseded by a much newer version.
-----I kept the poem as a memento of some great years and people, it’s been around the world with me and is well read! I ‘lost’ the paperwork over the years but following my attendance at Tribute 08 (truly fantastic) I have turned our house upside down and located the original poem again.

-----I am trying to locate the Peter Paterson who wrote it, without much success, as you could imagine. But I would like to pass this onto someone who would value the work for what it is, and to allow it to be more widely read.

As soon as we have it in our hands, it will be seen right here!

Images of Tribute08

Jan Anderson and Kevin Burnell have sent us a goodly collection of images from Tribute08. Go to

Saturday, June 7, 2008

About Frank Lupo

We get a constant stream of enquiries about old comrades who have passed away, or simply disappeared from view. If you know anything about them, take a moment to pass that on. No matter how small the fragment is, it will help the family to build a memory of their loved one. For example:

My name is Glenn Lupo, the son of Frank Lupo who served in 161 Battery in Vietnam. We attended the march during the Tribute 08 weekend and found it to be very emotional. I don't know if you knew my father but he served in Vietnam in the early days of the war, I think 1966. As far as I know he served two tours of duty in Vietnam. [Frank served in 1965 as a Dvr/Op, and again in 1969 as Sig Sgt.]

-----We didn't know much about Tribute 08 so did not attend all the celebrations but wish we had been able to. The march was amazing and talking with some of the people who knew my dad was very emotional for me.
-----I am trying to find out more information about my dad and his service in Vietnam (and beyond) and was wondering if there is anyway of you putting out an email or similar to veterans who might be able to provide us with information about him.
-----We would like stories, photos or information about him, as we are trying to compile a history of his life to share with our children. Unfortunately dad died suddenly at the early age of 59 and we didn't have time to ask questions about Vietnam, not that he really wanted to discuss this difficult time with us, and his life in the services.
-----We want to know as much as possible and would appreciate any help we can get. Any assistance is much appreciated.

Many thanks,
Glenn Lupo -

Friday, June 6, 2008

Larry Green anyone?

I have an enquiry after 44295 Larry G Green RNZA, circa 1969/70.

Can anyone help with info about his time in the army? Email if you can.



Thursday, June 5, 2008

Bill Taggart for Woody Waddell . . .

I am trying to respond to Woody Waddell who posted the following comments on my 1/83rd US Artillery website . . .

"Greetings from a Kiwi Gunner who served in Viet Nam 1966-67 and 1969-70 with 161 Bty RNZA. During my tour of duty 66-67 I was with 161 Bty originally attached to 173rd Airborne Brigade based in Bien Hoa. When the Bty moved to Nui Dat it was comforting to have you as our neighbours. I was attached to the FO party with Charlie Coy 6RAR at the battle of Long Tan, and we much appreciated your support during that action. Ubique from Bombardier RJ (Woody) Waddell.

In closing, I have a question from my wife that perhaps we should look at having an ANZUS Viet Nam Veterans and their families commemoration."

Matt Rout is doing his thesis on military ethics

My name is Matt Rout and I am a Masters student at the University of Canterbury. My thesis is on military ethics in the contemporary operational environment (specifically land operations).
-----I hope to get in touch with possible interviewees, as two of the three case studies I am doing are Korea and Vietnam, along with East Timor.
-----I want to talk to anyone who is interested about both the role-specific and general aspects of military ethics, so while I would be particularly interested in talking to those who experienced any combat-related ethical dilemmas or issues, I would also like to talk about the day to day operational lifestyle, such as the interactions between services and with civilians and other armies.
-----With regard to the interviews, I could either conduct them face-to-face, by telephone or I could email/post out a questionnaire. The process itself should not take too long.
-----Also, if desired, I can assure the anonymity of anyone who takes part. I am willing to offer a digital copy to anyone pre-submission so they can request removal.
Please feel free to email me with further questions.

Thank you for your time


Contact Matt at

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Veterans' Health Service, Auckland

Auckland RSA runs a veterans' health management service at Ranfurly Veteran's Centre, on the first Thursday of each month. Most of the vets who turn up are gunners. You'll be able to catch up with other gunners before the session starts at 1330 hrs.
-----This month, on Thursday, 5 June, before 1330 hrs, be at the Recreation Centre, at the Warren Avenue entrance. Sabine Visser, Registered Clinical Psychologist, discusses Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, anxiety and depression, answering your questions on the spot.
-----Next month, at 1330 hrs on 3 July, Dr Tony Hay follows up by covering the medications and treatments that are available to vets for PTSD, anxiety and depression, as well as discussing joint arthritis and skin rashes.

Last Post: Major J Bryan O'Connor RNZA

Pat Duggan sends details from this morning's paper:

33544 Major (Rtd) Jervois Bryan O'Connor RNZA, 6th Fd Regt WW2, and Malaya. On May 31 peacefully at Villa Gardens.

-----Messages may be addressed to the family of the late Major JB O'Connor and sent care of PO Box 39001 Christchurch. Donations to the Order of St John in lieu of flowers, and may be made at the service.
-----The service will be held at the Westpark chapel of Lamb and Haywood Funeral Directors, 467 Wairakei Road, Burnside, Christchurch on Friday June 6 at 1.30pm. Private cremation after.

Sincerely and with sadness


Patrick J Duggan

Last Post: Bryan O'Connor - the funeral

From Pat Duggan in Christchurch:

Bryan O'Connor will have a military funeral on Friday at 1.30 pm. It will be conducted by Lamb and Haywood funeral directors and I am to deliver the Ode. The funeral notice will be in tomorrow's paper so as soon as I see it I'll email you all of the detail.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

RNZA Band: Once more from the top

The Band of the Royal Regiment of New Zealand Artillery is holding a free public rehearsal at the Hawkins Theatre, Papakura, this coming Sunday 8th June at 1.45pm, primarily in preparation for their Brisbane tour.
-----They would be delighted to see any RNZA members, particularly those who may have missed the Orewa Concert, or who might like to come again. It will be a similar, but not the same, programme.
-----No tickets - just turn up on the day - everyone most welcome. Already, a group of 26 is coming from a local retirement village [maybe Yogi Young will be there].

I can thoroughly recommend this concert to you, as I saw and heard the Band play in Orewa, a week or so ago. And they did us proud at Tribute08, marching with 161 Bty for the Honour March to Parliament.

Last Post: Major J Bryan O'Connor

With great regret, I pass on a message from Pat Duggan that Bryan O'Connor passed away in Christchurch on Saturday, 31 May 2008. Our sympathy goes to his son Paul and all other members of Bryan's family.

You will be kept informed as more information comes in.