Saturday, June 28, 2008

Flags flying, drums beating, and more

Today I went to the Reserve Forces Day Parade here in IPSWICH. Also there was Maj Graham Roch ED who was BC 22 Bty then BC 4 Mdm Bty in the late 70s and 80s. Graham was BC when the last round was fired at Annual Camp in WAIOURU in either 86 or 87. The No1 was the late Sgt Butch Lucas. Our Patron, Colonel Don, was Col Comdt at the time and was also present.

Back to the band:
They gave their usual very high standard performance at both the parade and later in a local shopping centre. There in conjunction with the local Amberley Brass Band they entertained the lunchtime crowd for an hour and a half.
-----Many would remember Doug Rose who replaced Dave Lawrence as Cadre NCO for the Band at 16 Fd Regt in the early 80s. He is now in the TF and still playing with the Band
-----They are tomorrow Sun to lead the Reserve Forces Day March through BRISBANE, though we in our small NEW ZEALAND Contingent will be well back in the Order of March
-----Incidentally Graham Roch was telling me today that the first time the March was held in SYDNEY 10 years ago he marched with the SM of As of both the NEW ZEALAND Army and the AUSTRALIAN Army on either side of him
-----We do our best to keep the NEW ZEALAND Flag flying at the many Commemorative Services which are relevant also to NEW ZEALAND
-----Having the Band and other visits from NEW ZEALAND helps tremendously


Brian Jerry Meyer

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