Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tribute08: Feedback from Ken McKee-Wright, NZSAS

I have been getting constant approving feed back. More important we have got our people getting more interested in themselves and what they can do to improve their own quality of life. They are talking again, and we can now help many who would not be helped before. This is also flowing onto their families and I have had some good contact with wives and children seeking more information. This time we have something to give them and so far it is all positive.
-----I have been following some of the vets' websites and they are very positive, and forward-looking with any dissenters being quickly squashed with “facts”. Speeches are being analysed and generally announced genuine and from the heart. (We hope that going forward that is the heart of New Zealand).
-----On the civilian side, NZer’s now appear to know what happened and talk about it with wonder, dismay and shame. I have had a lot of feed-back triggered by the radio broadcasts and newspaper articles around Auckland. My grandkids were asked to make a morning talk at school about the Tribute08. (They were more impressed with General Mateparae, his uniform, sword and medals than the Prime Minister who only got a passing mention). They said the veterans must have been missing their friends because they were crying. I thought that just about summed it up.

Thanks for that, Ken

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