Wednesday, June 18, 2008


We have three comrades in hospital at last report - but there may be some we don't know about.

Graham Williams (GPO, Kenning's Bty, 1965) is in Auckland Hospital after urgent surgery to remove a blockage from his throat - a malignant tumour. He is having radiation therapy each day, and goes home on Friday when his feeding tube is relocated. He expects to make a full recovery - I (Mike) spent an hour with him this morning and he is in very good spirits, although the liquid diet is not the kind he prefers. With a trach pipe in place, Graham has difficulty talking but he does text easily. Text him on 02102426577, or visit Ward 74, Room 11, 1100-1900 hrs.

Jeff Waters - Jeff is in Middlemore for a few days for a hernia op.

John Murray - John is not a gunner himself, but a good mate of gunners who served 'on foot' in Malaya. He is in palliative care in North Shore Hospital, where he was visited today by Joe Panoho and Billy Edwards.

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