Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Peter Paterson's poem appears on paper

Kerry Huston writes in . . .

I am ex-161 Bty, (1962-65) and for a time, was Battery Clerk at Papakura, among other roles…... I was cleaning out a locker one day in 1964 and found an original hand-written poem by an Australian (1 RAR) called Peter Paterson.
-----It is a very funny saga of the RAR in Korea and how they held the Kiwi gunners in high regard. The saga goes on about the Kiwis convincing an American Major that we had belt-fed 25-pounders that had been superseded by a much newer version.
-----I kept the poem as a memento of some great years and people, it’s been around the world with me and is well read! I ‘lost’ the paperwork over the years but following my attendance at Tribute 08 (truly fantastic) I have turned our house upside down and located the original poem again.

-----I am trying to locate the Peter Paterson who wrote it, without much success, as you could imagine. But I would like to pass this onto someone who would value the work for what it is, and to allow it to be more widely read.

As soon as we have it in our hands, it will be seen right here!

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