Saturday, June 7, 2008

About Frank Lupo

We get a constant stream of enquiries about old comrades who have passed away, or simply disappeared from view. If you know anything about them, take a moment to pass that on. No matter how small the fragment is, it will help the family to build a memory of their loved one. For example:

My name is Glenn Lupo, the son of Frank Lupo who served in 161 Battery in Vietnam. We attended the march during the Tribute 08 weekend and found it to be very emotional. I don't know if you knew my father but he served in Vietnam in the early days of the war, I think 1966. As far as I know he served two tours of duty in Vietnam. [Frank served in 1965 as a Dvr/Op, and again in 1969 as Sig Sgt.]

-----We didn't know much about Tribute 08 so did not attend all the celebrations but wish we had been able to. The march was amazing and talking with some of the people who knew my dad was very emotional for me.
-----I am trying to find out more information about my dad and his service in Vietnam (and beyond) and was wondering if there is anyway of you putting out an email or similar to veterans who might be able to provide us with information about him.
-----We would like stories, photos or information about him, as we are trying to compile a history of his life to share with our children. Unfortunately dad died suddenly at the early age of 59 and we didn't have time to ask questions about Vietnam, not that he really wanted to discuss this difficult time with us, and his life in the services.
-----We want to know as much as possible and would appreciate any help we can get. Any assistance is much appreciated.

Many thanks,
Glenn Lupo -

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