Saturday, June 28, 2008

The RNZA Band scores again

News from Ipswich (Qld)

Today (Sat 28 Jun) I attended the Reserve Forces Day Recognition Ceremony here in Ipswich and was delighted to meet up with Brian & Linda Meyer. A simple but moving ceremony with the RNZA Band adding to the occasion. It was great seeing "ye olde Lemon Squeezers" again! After the Service our Mayor, Councillor Paul Pisasale, hosted a delightful morning tea. for all attendees the Arty Band again entertained us with some well-known "military" tunes.
-----Before the commencement of the Ceremony, the Artillery Band had entertained us - it was wonderful hearing their rendition of Maori Battalion and everyone chuckled when the players sang Oooh-Aaah! The Band later played at a concert at the Riverlink Shopping Complex.
-----I do so enjoy reading the regular Muzzle Flashes - keep up the great work!

Kindest regards - UBIQUE

Graham Roch
One time BC of 22(D) and 4(G) Mdm Batteries

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