Friday, June 20, 2008

Music to your ears in Brisbane

From Bob Davis, Secretary, RNZA Band:

The RNZA Band is off to Brisbane and Ipswich next week, to represent New Zealand at the 60th Anniversary of the Australian Reserve Forces. We shall be staying at RAAF Base Amberley, and undertaking a pretty full programme of events (not to mention rehearsals). It is the first time that the Band has travelled abroad since 1988 - by chance also to Brisbane for the World Expo.

We thought Aussie-based RNZA members might like to know where they can catch up with the Band:

  • June 26th - Arrive Brisbane/Amberley, approx 2100.
  • June 27th - Tri-Service Dinner/Ball, Riverside Rooms, Oxade Drive, New Farm, Brisbane; evening (ticket only).
  • June 28th - Short march, Wreath-laying Recognition Ceremony in RSL Memorial Park, Limestone Street, Ipswich 1000 hrs, followed by Civic Reception. Then into Brisbane with RAAF Amberley Band to play at Riverlink shopping mall (across lunch-time).
  • June 29th -- Leading the Reserve Forces 60th Anniversary Parade, Brisbane 1000 hrs, followed by Civic Reception.
  • June 30th - Rehearsal for joint concert with RAAF Amberley Band (evening)
  • July 1st ---- Wreath-laying Recognition Ceremony in Anzac Square, Brisbane 1700
  • July 3rd --- Joint Concert with RAAF Amberley Band at Ripley Community Church, Ipswich 1900 hrs
  • July 4th --- Concert at Cascades Gardens Retirement Village, Ipswich 1700 hrs
  • July 6th -- Fly home

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