Monday, June 30, 2008

Joseph Walter Ludlow, 1855-1916

I have attached a photo sent to me of my great grandfather Joseph Walter Ludlow 1855–1916.

-----I have been puzzling over the uniform for some time and on inspection of the cap I can make out “........nd Artillery”
-----I at first thought it was Auckland, but have had no luck searching. When I search New Zealand Artillery however I come up with your site.
-----He looks to be older here, perhaps mid 40’s, so looking around early 1900s.
-----I also have a similar photo of him in uniform, although you cannot make out insignia, of him as a young man taken 1894/95.
-----Are there records for the NZ Artillery that I could check to see if he was part of the Royal NZ Artillery.

Cheers, Jim

Jim Callaghan

Phone: (09) 4375593

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