Sunday, June 22, 2008

Taupo Reunion, 7-9 Nov: The Aussies are coming!

From Kim McGrath, on the West Island:

My packet of Gunners is staying with me at the timeshare Taupo Ika Nui, but the plan is to leave Australia on the Thursday, then sack out at some reasonably priced hotel overnight in Auckland.
-----Friday morning, pick up a car or van for the week and proceed, at a leisurely rate, to Taupo stopping at Te Aroha for a beer with Mr. Smith? Then Rotorua and make Taupo with plenty of time to shake out and prepare for Friday night.
-----Saturday might just be a big sleep-in with Saturday night scheduled. I reckon that Sunday might also be a bit of a late morning.
-----Monday will be spent seeing the sights (Waiouru) and Tuesday should be another big day as it will be Armistice Day 11 Nov. Ergo Wednesday morning may be a quiet one.
-----Wednesday afternoon and Thursday spent taking in more local charms, with us bolting for Auckland on Friday - dumping our transport and departing the country before the constabulary and immigration catch up with us.
-----Sounds like a good plan? I looking forward to seeing 'Skin' Francis again, it has been two or three decades.


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