Saturday, June 21, 2008

Overdue subs - it's not good enough, chaps!

Mike has the Treasurer's hat on . . .

  • Our Association has about 340 members.
  • 55 of these are Life* or Honorary Members and pay no subs.
  • That leaves 285 subscribing members. 94 of these have not paid this year's sub. Five others have not paid for two or three years.
  • It means that 186 members are carrying the financial load.
  • Our sub income for this year should be around $5700, so you might share my concern when I say that, at the end of the financial year, we still have $2200 of that outstanding, with only $3500 in subs reaching the bank.
  • Subs and bank interest are our two main sources of income, so we need everyone to contribute through payment of subs to keep the Association solvent.

My thanks to all of you who have paid this year's sub, or brought your arrears up-to-date.

Does anyone else want to clear their account?

If you have a problem remembering to make a small payment each year, do as others do - pay for several years ahead, and you'll also stop these annoying reminders

* Under the new rules, no Life Members are appointed on an 'age' basis, so these 55 will reduce over the years.

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