Thursday, June 5, 2008

Bill Taggart for Woody Waddell . . .

I am trying to respond to Woody Waddell who posted the following comments on my 1/83rd US Artillery website . . .

"Greetings from a Kiwi Gunner who served in Viet Nam 1966-67 and 1969-70 with 161 Bty RNZA. During my tour of duty 66-67 I was with 161 Bty originally attached to 173rd Airborne Brigade based in Bien Hoa. When the Bty moved to Nui Dat it was comforting to have you as our neighbours. I was attached to the FO party with Charlie Coy 6RAR at the battle of Long Tan, and we much appreciated your support during that action. Ubique from Bombardier RJ (Woody) Waddell.

In closing, I have a question from my wife that perhaps we should look at having an ANZUS Viet Nam Veterans and their families commemoration."

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